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Essay Outlines : What are the arguments for and against mandatory attendance laws for students?

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By PD Tutor#2
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Essay Outlines #1

Arguments for Mandatory Attendance Laws for Students
Improved Academic Performance: Studies have consistently shown a strong correlation between regular school attendance and improved academic outcomes. Mandatory attendance laws ensure that students are present for instruction and have the opportunity to actively participate in learning activities. This leads to better understanding of concepts, increased knowledge retention, and higher test scores.
Reduced Absenteeism: Mandatory attendance laws discourage students from skipping school, even for non-legitimate reasons. By making attendance mandatory, students are less likely to engage in truancy, which can derail their educational progress.
Early Intervention for Truancy: Mandatory attendance laws provide a mechanism for early identification and intervention for students who are at risk of becoming truant. School officials can track attendance patterns and reach out to students who are absent frequently, providing support and resources to address underlying issues contributing to their absenteeism.
Creation of Positive School Environment: Regular attendance helps create a positive and stable learning environment. When students are present consistently, they foster a sense of community and establish relationships with their peers and teachers. This contributes to a supportive atmosphere that is conducive to learning.
Arguments Against Mandatory Attendance Laws for Students
Restrictions on Student Autonomy: Mandatory attendance laws limit students' autonomy and freedom to make choices about their education. Some students may feel that they do not need to attend school every day or may have legitimate reasons for being absent. Restricting their choice in this matter can be seen as an infringement on their individual rights.
Disproportionate Impact on Disadvantaged Students: Mandatory attendance laws can disproportionately impact students from disadvantaged backgrounds. These students may face challenges such as transportation difficulties, family responsibilities, or health issues that make it difficult for them to attend school regularly. Punishing them for absences that are beyond their control can exacerbate existing inequalities.
Criminalization of Truancy: In some cases, mandatory attendance laws can lead to the criminalization of truancy. Students who are absent repeatedly may face legal consequences, such as fines or even jail time. This approach can be counterproductive, as it creates a punitive system that does not address the underlying causes of absenteeism.
Limited Effectiveness for High-Risk Students: Mandatory attendance laws may not be effective for students who are already at high risk of dropping out of school. These students may have complex social-emotional or behavioral issues that make it challenging for them to attend regularly. Simply forcing them to attend school may not address the root causes of their absenteeism and may even worsen the situation.
American Psychological Association. (2018). National School Climate Center. Retrieved from [](
National Education Association. (2020). NEA Resolutions on School Attendance. Retrieved from [](
U.S. Department of Education. (2017). Attendance Matters: A Guide to Engaging and Supporting Students with Chronic Absence. Retrieved from [](
Wallace Foundation. (2018). The Wallace Foundation: Getting to Work on Chronic Absenteeism. Retrieved from [](

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By PD Tutor#1
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Essay Outlines #2

I. Introduction
A. Explanation of the topic
B. Background information
C. Thesis statement
II. Benefits of mandatory school attendance
A. Development of important skills
B. Preparation for adulthood
C. Ensuring a well-rounded education
III. Drawbacks of mandatory school attendance
A. Lack of flexibility for individual students
B. Potential for burnout
C. Limiting opportunities for alternative education paths
IV. Practical considerations
A. School as a socialization tool
B. Impact on society as a whole
C. Compulsory education laws
V. Conclusion
A. Restate thesis
B. Summary of main points
C. Final thoughts or recommendations
In conclusion, the arguments for mandatory attendance laws for students emphasize the importance of developing crucial skills, preparing for adulthood, and ensuring a well-rounded education. However, there are also valid arguments against such laws, including a lack of flexibility for individual students, potential for burnout, and limitations on alternative education paths.

Ultimately, the decision on whether or not to enforce mandatory attendance laws should consider the practical considerations such as school as a socialization tool, impact on society as a whole, and the existence of compulsory education laws. It is important to strike a balance between the benefits of mandatory attendance and the drawbacks to ensure that students receive a quality education while also allowing for individual needs and circumstances to be taken into account.

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