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Essay Outlines : How do the settings of LA and A&P influence the portrayal of love?

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By PD Tutor#2
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Essay Outlines #1

I. Introduction

  1. Overview of the topic: Love in LA and A&P

    1. The concept of love in two different settings: Los Angeles and A&P grocery store

    2. Thesis statement: The settings of LA and A&P influence the portrayal of love in distinct ways.

II. Body

  1. Influence of LA's Glamorous and Fast-Paced Setting

    1. Superficiality and materialism in dating culture

    2. Emphasis on appearances and status

    3. Pressure to conform to societal standards of beauty

  2. Influence of A&P's Small-town and Mundane Setting

    1. Authenticity and simplicity in romantic relationships

    2. Emphasis on shared values and experiences

    3. Community support and influence on personal connections

  3. Contrasting Perspectives on Love

    1. Emphasis on physical attraction and status in LA

    2. Focus on emotional connection and compatibility in A&P

    3. Exploration of different societal norms and expectations

III. Conclusion

  1. Reiteration of thesis statement: The settings of LA and A&P influence the portrayal of love in distinct ways.

    1. Summary of the key differences in love perspectives

    2. Exploration of the impact of setting on romantic relationships
  2. Final Thoughts

    1. The importance of considering context in understanding love

    2. Appreciation for the diversity of love experiences


  • Los Angeles: The Architecture of Four Ecologies by Reyner Banham
  • Everyday Life in Los Angeles: A Guide to the City of Angels by Tony P. Corley
  • A&P by John Updike
  • The Paris Review interview with John Updike
  • The Different Drum: Community Making and Peace by M. Scott Peck

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By PD Tutor#1
Best Answer

Essay Outlines #2

I. Introduction

  1. Comparison of settings in LA and A&P

    1. LA Urban, fast-paced environment influencing superficial love
    2. A&P Small town, slower pace shaping genuine love
  2. Influence of setting on portrayal of love

    1. LA Focus on materialism and appearance in relationships
    2. A&P Emphasis on authenticity and connection in love

II. Body

  1. Shallow nature of love in LA

    1. Preference for external attributes over deeper connection
    2. Relationships based on status and image rather than emotions
  2. Sincere love in A&P

    1. Focus on personal values and emotional bonds
    2. Importance of genuine feelings and mutual respect
  3. Impact of setting on character development

    1. LA Characters shaped by societal norms and expectations
    2. A&P Characters defined by personal growth and introspection

III. Conclusion

  1. Overall portrayal of love in different settings

    1. Demonstration of contrasting forms of love in LA and A&P
    2. Reflection of societal influences on romantic relationships
  2. Significance of settings in enhancing love narratives

    1. Settings serving as crucial elements in character dynamics
    2. Illustration of how environment shapes perspectives on love


  • The Influence of Setting on Love Portrayal in Literature
  • Comparative Analysis of Love in Urban and Rural Environments
  • Societal Norms and Their Impact on Love Representation
  • Character Development and Love Themes in Different Settings
  • The Role of Environment in Shaping Romantic Relationships

IV. Exploration of secondary characters in LA and A&P

  1. LA: Secondary characters as symbols of status and wealth

    1. Secondary characters in LA often embody the values of materialism and superficiality

    2. They are depicted as more concerned with appearances and social standing rather than genuine emotions

  2. A&P: Secondary characters as sources of support and connection

    1. Secondary characters in A&P serve as sources of emotional support and genuine connection

    2. They prioritize the well-being and happiness of the main characters, promoting authentic relationships

  3. Influence of secondary characters on main love narratives

    1. LA: Secondary characters reinforce themes of superficial love and external validation

    2. A&P: Secondary characters contribute to the development of sincere and meaningful relationships

V. Analysis of conflict resolution in LA and A&P

  1. LA: Conflict resolution driven by external factors and social expectations

    1. In LA, conflicts in relationships tend to be resolved based on societal norms and external pressures

    2. Genuine emotions and personal values may be sacrificed for the sake of fitting in and maintaining appearances

  2. A&P: Conflict resolution rooted in personal growth and mutual understanding

    1. In A&P, conflicts are resolved through introspection, communication, and compromise

    2. Main characters prioritize emotional connection and respect, leading to a more genuine resolution of conflicts

  3. Impact of conflict resolution on the overall portrayal of love

    1. LA: Conflict resolution reinforces themes of superficiality and societal pressures

    2. A&P: Conflict resolution highlights the importance of authenticity and emotional connection in love

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