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Can you submit a brief statement that discusses the decisions you made to create a positive social impression?

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<p>This is the essay prompt I am working on:&nbsp; Submit a brief statement that discusses the decisions you made to create a positive social impression. The statement should be 200-500 words long, written in English with full sentences, and should give at least three examples of how you applied research findings from the readings, lectures, or other videos r&eacute;sum&eacute; to create a positive social impression.</p>


By PD Tutor#1
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Answer #1

They say you never get a second chance to make a first impression.  However, one of the things that I have learned after studying social impressions is that you not only do not get multiple chances to make a first impression, you may not get additional chances to make any impressions after making a bad first impression, because people tend to avoid those who give them bad impressions. Of course, this is only true when people have choice about whether or not they spend time with you.  In situations where people do not have choice, such as work or school environments, it is actually possible to change a negative first impression.

Having seen that small talk is a way to make a good first impression, I have made attempts to incorporate more of it into my daily behavior.  It has been difficult for me to strike a balance between the appropriate level of small talk and a level of small talk that would make me appear inane.  I think that is because I do not have a natural affinity for small talk.  However, I do believe that incorporating the willingness to discuss things that lack substance has made me come across as more agreeable and more likeable. 

Another thing I have attempted to incorporate is being more positive.  I have always considered myself a realist and I felt like being falsely positive was dishonest.  However, through the class materials I have realized that it is possible to be more positive, while still being forthright.  I can convey the same information, just choose a different way to convey it.  I have found that people seem more receptive to what I am saying, as well as finding me generally more likeable.

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