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Can you help me with an authentic topic for PhD thesis on marina pollution?

Keyword(s) :    solid waste water ecosystem oil


By PD Tutor#1
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Answer #1

Marina pollution is a significant problem that is only increasing as the popularity of boating and water sports increase.  Here are some PhD thesis topics about marina pollution to consider:

The impact of headwater emptying on marina pollution levels and whether the presence of readily available waste disposal stations helps reduce those pollution levels.  A secondary question to consider would be whether the fees associated with those waste stations impacts how much they are used, for example do free waste disposal stations help decrease marina pollution?

How parking lot runoff impacts marina pollution and can this impact be lessened by placing most parking at some distance from the marina, or is any parking that is within a reasonable distance of the marina going to result in an increase in pollution.  Another question to consider may be whether it makes a difference if parking is paved or unpaved; do unpaved lots significantly decrease the likelihood of marina pollution?

What does in-water fueling contribute to pollution.  Given that it is not likely that in-water fueling can be completely eliminated, are there steps that marinas can take to reduce the likelihood of fuel spillage and other contamination because of fueling stations into the water. 

What impact does pollution by fuel, oils, and other petrochemicals have on bottom sediment and how does this impact the marina’s overall ecosystem?

What types of solid waste (trash) are most common in polluted marinas?  How do each of these types of trash (six-pack rings, water bottles, straws, etc.) impact wildlife in the marina?  Are there any programs that are effective at reducing the amount of a particular type of waste that is present in a marina?

Looking at rates of marina pollution, examine whether high rates of pollution are correlated with high rates of usage or if there is a tipping point after which a marina becomes so polluted that it becomes less utilized.  

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