1. "Worldwide Wheelers"
2. "Global Gear Grid"
3. "International Chain Champions"
4. "Around the Chainring"
5. "Ring of the World"
6. "Cross-Continental Cogs"
7. "Planet Pedal Pushers"
8. "Chainring Across Borders"
9. "Wheeling the World"
10. "Global Gear Shifters"
11. "Ring Around the Globe"
12. "Pedaling Across Continents"
13. "Chainring Connections"
14. "Global Gear Circuits"
15. "Worldwide Pedal Power"
16. "Chainring Expeditions"
17. "International Bike Belt"
18. "Global Cycling Network"
19. "Planet Pedal Pros"
20. "Around the World in Chainrings"