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Can I get help writing an essay on any violence topic?


By PD Tutor#1
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Answer #1

The topic of violence is a broad one because violence is persuasive in our society, there are competing theories about the causes of violence, and violence begins to impact people at a very young age.  According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, there are eight types of violence children may be exposed to or experience: bullying, child maltreatment, community violence, domestic and intimate partner violence, school violence, sexual abuse and sexual violence, sex trafficking, and teen dating violence. These different types of violence not only impact children, but also adults in the community, and provide a good overview of the general types of violence in the United States.  One type of violence that is missing is violence from war.  While this is not currently an issue within the United States, around the world violence from war impacts many people. 

In most instances, violent behavior is considered deviant.  This means that it is antisocial rather than prosocial and that its use is generally a violation of social norms.  When antisocial violent behavior occurs, people often ask about its causes.  Criminologists and others who regularly work with violent criminals believe that violent behavior is not usually due to a single cause, but to a combination of different factors, which include: biological predisposition, social environment, bad childhood, and substance abuse.  Looking at how any of those factors impact a person’s propensity for violence would make a good research paper. 

Finally, discussions of violence almost always focus on its negative aspects.  It is generally considered antisocial behavior and is not believed to have benefits for the individual.  However, it seems unlikely that violent behavior would remain part of the realm of human behavior if it lacked benefits.  A paper examining the benefits of violent behavior, either for society or for individuals, would provide a different take on the topic of violence.

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