Whole Food-Based Supplementation vs. Fragmented Vitamin and Mineral Supplementation
Americans' interest in nutrition has grown in proportion to their waistlines over the last 30 years or so. Further, as healthcare in general improves and the population ages, problems associated with old age which were relatively rare in the past (because few people lived to see their 80th birthday) have become increasingly common. This has also contributed to the growing interest in nutrition among Americans. Unfortunately, this interest has most frequently taken the form of an act of desperation -- people look for a silver bullet to slay the monster of obesity or senescence (Tomlin, 2001). The silver bullet itself most often takes the form of a nutritional supplement or a fad diet. People seldom address the root cause of their obesity or medical problems, usually a lack of self-discipline at the dinner table and/or the gym. Even when embracing a fad diet people usually lack the self-discipline to stick with it long enough for it to truly fail.
This project aims to research and resolve at least one of the issues surrounding modern nutrition: whether whole food-based nutritional supplementation is better than fragmented vitamin and mineral supplementation at delivering bioavailable nutrients to the human body.
If a difference exists between the effectiveness of whole food-based nutritional supplementation and fragmented vitamin and mineral supplementation, it will be in the bioavailability of the necessary nutrients. According to Jackson (1997), bioavailability is the fraction of the ingested nutrient that is utilized [by the human body] for normal physiological functions or storage. Essentially, this means that there are some forms of nutrients that the body finds easier to assimilate than others. Iron in spinach or kale is easily assimilated, whereas iron from iron filings is not.
A number of things affect the bioavailability of any given nutrient. Quite beyond the chemical formulation of the nutrient itself are other factors likely to influence the proportion of nutrient absorbed from any source, whether it be whole foods or synthetic supplements:
1. The efficiency of digestion
2. The previous intake of the nutrient
3. The body "status" of the nutrient
4. Gut transmit time
5. The presence of gasto-intestinal disorder or disease
6. Other products with which the food stuff is consumed
7. The prior-treatment (namely cooking or processing) of the product
Just as some of us are better at storing fat than are others, some of us are better at digesting our meals than are others; hence the efficiency of digestion. As for the nutrient's previous intake, people can build up tolerances to nutrients such that if massive doses of nutrients are taken to counteract a deficiency (real or imagined) and then the nutrient is suddenly discontinued, the amount of the nutrient in the body will sometimes fall below the level that prompted taking the supplement in the first place.
Further, the "status" of the nutrient refers to the fact that some nutrients are necessary for healthy living in small amounts, but large doses of the stuff do not necessarily provide an added benefit. Rather, in most cases it is simply a question of whether the tank is full or empty. If the nutrition tank is empty, then taking a supplement will do some good. If, however, the tank is already full, or ae full, then taking a supplement only tops off the supply, at best, or more likely simply gets excreted without doing anyone any good. Gut transmit time, obviously, relates to how long the nutrient stays inside the human digestive tract before it is excreted. The lesser the transmit time, the greater the chance that more of the nutrient will pass through the body without doing anybody any good.
If a person has a gastric disorder that keeps them from properly assimilating the contents of their food, then not only does it become probable that the person will suffer any number of deficiencies, but as a rule, he or she will have to eat a good deal more than most people would just to break even.
Some consumables can positively or negatively affect the bioavailability of unrelated foods with which they are consumed. Vitamin C, for instance, can adversely affect the body's ability to assimilate iron, just as vitamin D positively affects the body's ability to assimilate calcium. Truswell (2003), found that grapefruit actually increased the potency of some supplements and even medicines, especially those that were involved in channel blocking, such as medicine for hypertension.
Finally, in two cases reviewed for this study, beta carotene was made more bioavailable by first pureeing then cooking a...
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