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West Africa And Africa Essay

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Inspiration Towards Choosing Medicine and Becoming a Physician In the year 2014, the month of February the world woke to a shocking revelation of an outbreak of Ebola in parts of Africa, West Africa in particular. The WHO confirmed t he pandemic and wooed the world, governments, nations and individuals to helping putting together help of whatever form towards helping this part of the world from the pandemic. The news literally took over the news headlines, the blogs online, the websites and all tabloids and even radio were all a buzz with the sad news of the Ebola outbreak. The speed at which is spread at the devastating effects were of apocalyptic proportions.

The CDC activated the Emergency Operations Center meant to directly deal with the Ebola catastrophe, this center was specifically meant to coordinate the technical assistance and control the activities with other agencies of the US government, the world health organization (WHO) as well as international and local partners in ensuring the spread of Ebola is curbed. All systems were activated, CDC deployed massive teams dealing and specializing in public health to West Africa with the sole purpose of controlling the spread of Ebola. The world focused on West Africa (CDC, 2016).

At that time, what really struck...

The signs of Ebola included headaches, body aches, joint pains, hemorrhage through all the openings and unfortunately once one reached this level, then slow, painful and sure death was the ultimate price that they paid. The people had little to do since the disease could be passed through anything from sweat to the blood. It was easy to get infected by simply touching a staircase rail that an infected person touched and left sweat or any bodily fluids. The disease further fractured the social livelihood of poor African nations. The isolation and the stigma that came with the attempt to control the spread were unprecedented. People were no longer free to move about, schools were closed and children suffered the brunt of the pandemic. Hospitals flooded with sick people, churches were swamped with desperate souls seeking explanations to pandemic and solace. The graveyards had regular visits that before and mass graves manned by men in white protective suites was a daily silhouette that overshadowed the land. The apocalypse had practically hit West Africa and for two years this could be the daily…

Sources used in this document:

CDC, (2016). 2014-2016 Ebola Outbreak in West Africa. Retrieved May 18, 2017 from
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