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Wealth Of Knowledge Available To The World Research Paper

¶ … wealth of knowledge available to the world increases algebraically every day (Zadeh, 2004). Part of this knowledge explosion is due to the increased dependence of business, education, and the professions on the use of the computer. Since the introduction of the personal computer in the mid-1980's, computers have gradually, and fully, begun to dominate nearly every aspect of our society's daily life and there is no indication that this trend will ebb at any time in the near future (Ifrah, 2001). Quite simply, computer literacy is an absolute essential for anyone who anticipates participating in today's society. To understand how important computer literacy has become one needs only to review a typical day in anyone's life. It is impossible to go to a bank, difficult to apply for a job, borrow a book from the library, visit the doctor or even purchase gas without having at least a basic knowledge about a how a computer or computer related device operates. This proliferation has only begun and will likely increase in the coming years as computer technology increases and more and more services and businesses make the transition of conducting business through a computer.

There are many who disparage the apparent dependence of society on the use of the computer. These critics argue that it is wrong to depend on a computer at the expense of relying on human intelligence. They also argue that computers have damaged personal relationships through the popular use of email, social networking software, and internet dating. Further, critics even argue that computers have created new areas of

Certainly there is no denying that computers have contributed to the development of these sociological problems but the advantages that the use of computers have brought to society far outweigh these marginal disadvantages.
Computers have changed the lives of everyone in our society so pervasively that we cannot image a life without them. Computers provide us with efficient data storage system and information processors that allow us to store and retrieve huge amounts of information that are far beyond the capabilities of any human being. They are able to perform complex mathematical problems faster and more accurately than even the most intelligent of individuals and they are capable of operating machinery and keeping track of thousands of different
operations all at the same time. With such capabilities is it any wonder that computers have become such an important part of nearly everyone's daily life?

Throughout history there have been innovations that have caused major transformations in how members of society have lived their lives. For instance, the introduction of the automobile met with opposition from a variety of circles but there is little argument that it changed forever the entire structure of society (University of Michigan-Dearborn). Today it is difficult to function in society without owning a car and having the ability to drive. Similarly, the introduction of the computer has had the same…

Sources used in this document:

Ifrah, G. (2001). The Universal History of Computing: From the Abacus to the Quantum Computer. New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Poynton, T.A. (2005). Computer Literacy across the lifespan: a review with implications for educators. Computers in Human Behavior, 861-872.

University of Michigan-Dearborn. (n.d.). Automobile in American Life and Society. Retrieved November 15, 2011, from Automobile in American Life and Society:

Zadeh, L.A. (2004). A note on web intelligence, world knowledge and fuzzy logic. Data & Knowledge Engineering, 291-304.
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