Debate between Liberal Arts and Job Preparation Skills
Liberal arts skills and job preparation or vocational skills are the two categories of the eight essential purposes of higher education. These two categories of purposes have had a significant effect on the curriculum of higher education over the years. Liberal arts skills are one of the most important aspects and central purpose of higher education given that it incorporates seven of the eight essential purposes. As compared to the job preparation or vocational skills, liberal arts skills are focused on general education instead of entry to the job market upon graduation from a university/college. It includes instruction in wider, central disciplines like English, Science, Math, and History and is centered on developing skills like critical analysis, problem-solving, and effective oral and written communication. Liberal arts skill is important to the central purpose of why higher education exists in the United States. This is primarily because it emphasizes diversity and dynamism through exposure to a broad range of topics. The exposure is crucial because higher education exists in the U.S. to provide students with a broad knowledge base and detailed understanding of the surrounding world (Conrad & Johnson, 2012).
In light of the significance of liberal arts in the central purpose of the existence of higher education in the United States, UHM Nursing curriculum should focus on liberal arts rather than job preparation/vocational skills. The first compelling reason for the curriculum to focus on liberal arts is that this perspective provides graduates with most valuable attributes that employers...
Employers have found graduates of liberal arts majors with communicative, creative, and problem-solving acumen, which are the most valuable characteristics of new hires (McNutt, 2014). Secondly, UHM Nursing curriculum should focus on liberal arts since this perspective provides students with a wide range of skills as well as comprehensive understanding of the world around them. Unlike job preparation/vocational skills that are centered on practical skills in a specific field, liberal arts enables students to have exposure to different topics in their specific field of work as well as comprehensive understanding of the surrounding world. This broad range of skills is widely applicable and enhances an individual’s ability to adopt in the world around him/her.
Third, such focus is necessary because it will enable UHM to achieve its goal of enabling students to have a well-rounded life that balances academics and a wide liberal arts education (University of Hawai’i M?noa, 2017). One of the major goals of the institution’s nursing programs is to promote the personal and professional development of its students. Therefore, UHM will achieve this through focusing on liberal arts unlike job preparation/vocational skills that are centered on a single line of work. Finally, UHM Nursing curriculum should focus on liberal arts since it will foster success and innovation unlike a specific career-ready degree provided by job-preparation/vocational skills program. The success and innovation is attributable to the wide range of skills provided in liberal arts education.
An example of the provision of valuable attributes…