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Visa\'s Data Center Security Case Study

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Question 14-14

No, Visa certainly is not being overly cautious in its fortification of its data center. Security breaches are certainly on the uprise and becoming more commonplace each and every day. Moreover, when one considers the sheer number of transactional events which Visa is processing every day (let alone the statistics denoting the number of transactions it is accounting for each second) (YOUR BOOK PAGE NUMBER), it becomes clear that the likelihood of it encountering some fraudulent attempt or breach is greater than that of other financial institutions. In this case, it would be foolish to opine that the company is being overly cautious. Rather, it is simply preparing itself for the realities of today's financial industry.

Question 14-15

This level of management controls is necessary because of all the various threats financial entities are prone to in contemporary times. These include ransom ware (Harper), malware, any other number of fraudulent activities. Additionally, it is necessary to implement these controls physically--such as fortifying its compound and conducting its share of due diligence on visitors--so that there are no internal security breaches, which does occur (Identity Theft Resource Center).

Question 14-16

The most important controls Visa needs to have in place are those pertaining to feedback. These controls provide insight into events that have happened, transactions that have taken place, and other forms of activity which have transpired. It is pivotal for this organization to know the ramifications of these things, which is possible via feedback controls.

Question 14-17

Other managerial controls of benefit to Visa include exceedingly stringent methods for checking the background of employees--both those whom are actually hired and those who are not. A salient financial organization such as Visa could very well encounter corporate spies and other personages who would attempt to discern the workings of its data center for illicit use.

Works Cited

Daitch, Heidi. "2017 Data Breaches -- The Worst So Far". 2017. Web.

Harper, Jelani. "Betting the Enterprise on Data with Cloud-Based Disaster Recovery and

Backups". 2016. Web.

Identity Theft Resource Center. "Cyberscout". 2017. Web.



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