I cannot stop drawing because I really have a draughtsman's fist, and I ask you, have I ever doubted or hesitated or wavered since the day I began to draw? (Van Gogh, Letter to Theo, April 1882).
That he was a talented artist was undeniable. Yet, art was no substitute for religion, and, further still, art was no direct avenue to sanctifying grace. Van Gogh's increasing sense of alienation and feeling of despair would continue unabated -- evidenced by he and his brother Theo's inability to live together for long; the inability of his dream of an artists' collective (the artistic equivalent of a kind of monastic community) to come to fruition; the failure to secure a marriage for himself; the severing of his ear. Nonetheless, he continued to cling to his sense of the divine. While in Arles, he did a number of portraits that satisfied his soul's thirst for purity: by his own account, the portraits were indeed "the only thing in painting that excites me to the depths of my soul, and which made me feel the infinite more than anything else" (La Mousme, National Gallery of Art, 2011).
What Van Gogh discovered, however, as he resumed his wanderings, now with an artistic orientation, was a new direction in artistic expression. Van Gogh has been called the "father of expressionism" (Vincent Van Gogh's Critical Reception) -- but this title would never have been his had he not discovered Impressionism in Paris in the 1880s.
Later Years: Artistic Zeal
Yet, as Paul Johnson (2003) notes, Van Gogh -- like Cezanne -- was often dissatisfied with his own work, a factor that Johnson argues contributed to his increasingly debilitated mental state: "It is possible that both his emotional need, to share in the sufferings of the poor, and his artistic drive, would have found more fulfillment if he had ignored Impressionism and worked with the other great force operating in painting at this time, naturalism" (p. 607). Van Gogh's The Old Church Tower at Nuenen (1884) may serve as an example of the kind of painter he might have become had he been drawn to naturalism -- but it is difficult to imagine Van Gogh as an artist who could effect the kind of calm, subdued vision of the natural world, which was not evident in his own soul. What Van Gogh longed for and sought to express in his art was unity (or disunity where he found it -- for example, in The Night Cafe) with the divine. He had failed to achieve it in religion -- he sought, therefore, to embrace the explosive, dynamic, colorful, and overwhelming manifestation of the divine and the human in the natural world. Color was, for him, an expression of "inner feelings" -- an expression that had to be captured instantaneously. Thus, Impressionism became his mode.
The record of Van Gogh's thoughts is preserved in the epistolary correspondence which transpired between him and his brother Theo. Of all the members of his family, Theo was the closest to Vincent -- but even their relationship was strained at times. The letters often give an account Van Gogh's struggles to find his way in life -- as nearly everyone considered him wayward: but as his artwork and his earlier religious zeal testify, the way was always present before him. The 20th century would testify to that much more than his own time. The lack of recognition may have dissatisfied him -- but it is doubtful that he was ever interested in fame. Two years before he finally determined to pursue painting in earnest, his heart was still set on becoming a preacher -- and what his 1778 letter to Theo shows is the spirituality that occupied him above and beyond all else. Van Gogh's life was in pursuit of grace -- whether through religion or art:
Anyone who lives an upright life and experiences real difficulty and disappointment and yet is not crushed by them is worth more than one for whom everything has always been plain sailing and who has known nothing but relative prosperity. For who are the most obviously superior to us? Those who merit the words: "Labourers, your life is sad, labourers, your life is full of suffering, labourers, you are blessed." It is they who bear the marks of "a whole life of struggle and labour borne unflinchingly." It is right to try to become like...
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