") provides information on the five stages of HIV infection, namely: Entry, Reverse Transcription, Integration, Translation, and Exit. The first stage of the Entry of the HIV virion into the host cell known as the T-cell is triggered by the binding of membrane proteins of the virus into the receptors on the T-cell surface. The T-cell is a lymphocyte or white blood cell found in the bloodstream. Its main function is to protect and "eat away" or engulf foreign particles such as bacteria and viruses entering the body. In the event that a HIV virion entering a T-cell, the T-cell is eventually destroyed resulting to the weakening of the body's defenses. A shedding of the HIV' virion's capsid occurs in the second stage called the Reverse Transcription. In this stage, the viral RNA and its enzyme are exposed and then transcripted to becomea viral DNA. The third stage of Integration is characterized with the viral RNA's entry to the T-cell's nucleus to become integrated into the host DNA. Translation, which is the fourth stage is characterized by the viral RNA's creation of codes which are translated into proteins and enzymes into a polypeptide chain. Finally, the HIV virion exits the host T-cell by the formation of its outer layer called the capsid, insertion of its own viral membrane proteins into the host cell's plasma membrane, and budding from the surface of the host cell to infect other nearby T-cells. The formulation of a vaccine for HIV is a very formidable task since there is still a limited study on the nature of HIV in the first place. Nevertheless, extensive research on the virus has...
These drugs interfere with the HIV replication at the stages of HIV infection provided earlier. These drugs focus on strengthening the T-cells that serve as host cells of HIV. Specifically, antiretroviral drugs create fusion and entry inhibitors, reverse transcriptase inhibitors, integrate inhibitors, and protease inhibitors in the T-cells (").HPV Vaccine Rogerian Argument HPV Vaccine GArDasil HPV Vaccine Gardasil HPV Vaccine Gardasil HPV Vaccine Gardasil was licensed by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration licensed in June 2006, prevent infection from four human papillomavirus (HPV) types, two of which case cervical cancer (Cox, Cox, Sturm, & Zimet, 29). Gardasil was prepared by Merck pharmaceutical company. The company started its campaign to make Gardasil mandatory after the introduction of the vaccine. "Papillomaviruses (PVs) make up
Each of these consultative bodies is made up of ten to fifteen doctors and scientists with widespread knowledge about infectious illnesses, immunology and vaccine research. The statistics measured by these groups are wider than that looked at by the FDA. While the FDA looks at only when vaccines work and are safe, advisory bodies look at how much inoculations cost and how to best utilize them. While the FDA
Running Head: Covid- PandemicCovid-19 Pandemic 2Table of ContentsCovid-19 pandemic 2Definition of Covid-19 Pandemic 3Causes and transmission of covid-19 3Patients Conditions with a high risk of severe Covid-19 Illness. 4Signs and symptoms of Covid-19 5Diagnosis of Covid-19. 7Management of Covid-19 8Conclusion 10References 11Covid-19 PandemicCovid-19 is one of the ravaging pandemics that has come during our time. In most cases, I have been told and read a history of various pandemics across
In the event of such an epidemic, it is reasonable to assume that public health departments will be pressed to find ways to maintain their services even when employees are ill, normal supply chains are disrupted, and the nation's infrastructure is inoperative; furthermore, the traditional roles of environmental health professionals can also be expected to change in dramatic ways during a period of pandemic influenza (Fabian, 2006). As U.S. Secretary
Reducing Hospitalization in the Elderly Population Practice Issue or Problem in Advanced Practice Nursing Immunization has been regarded as the keystone of influenza-linked mortality and morbidity prevention (Dominguez et al. 2016). Inactivated Influenza Vaccine's efficacy in elderly individuals has been studied; a majority of scholars strongly recommend immunization in individuals aged 65+ (Dawood et al. 2014). Existing vaccines are given for the purpose of inducing serum anti-hemagglutinin antibodies to avoid ailment
Protection and preservation of the environment through increased yields and reduced use of chemical pesticides and herbicides. This is because genetically modified foods grow at a faster rate and in bigger quantities which means less forest land is cleared for agriculture and the natural habitats and biodiversity is preserved. The crops are also made pest and disease resistant which means that less pesticides and herbicides are used which could pollute
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