Exclusivity for these groups signals uniqueness. In a creative and individualistic society such as America's, uniqueness has cachet and value to the consumer, so any fashion item that can convey this uniqueness will also have value.
Exclusivity also has value because of its scarcity. This is a simple supply and demand equation. The price of a good (its value) is related to the demand for it and the supply of it. When demand is higher than supply, the price increases. Thus, by managing the scarcity of items in the stores, any popular or high quality items will be subject to supply constraints. The consumers of Urban Outfitters know this, and respond by assuming scarcity. They purchase the product quickly, knowing that they may otherwise lose out on the opportunity to do so.
The third reason why exclusivity is valuable is because of the thrill of the hunt. This psychological characteristic is particularly prevalent among female fashion shoppers in Urban Outfitters target demographic. Many members of this demographic enjoy the act of shopping, and enjoy even more finding something special. An item loses its specialness -- its prey appeal -- if it exists in multiple copies on a store rack. When there is only one of an item, it is a better find, and there is more excitement to the capture of this prey. This increases the value of the...
Urban Outfitters Case Study Urban Outfitters has defined a highly differentiated and unique shopping experience, supported by the eclectic and highly varied store layouts and merchandise strategy. This approach to retailing appeals to the individuality and uniqueness every consumer also sees in themselves, allowing the consumers to define themselves by what they like. INA actuality, Urban Outfitters is more aligned to key marketing concepts and strategies than its much larger and
Urban Outfitters Continuing Case Study Explain why Sears or Wal-Mart cannot effectively create a trendy counterculture image The reasons for stores like Urban Outfitters to be able to create such a culture are their ability to operate with low and medium volume. Hence it is possible to change the output based on changes in demand. For example, the 'Urban Outfitters' followed the policy of locating stores that have the concentration of targeted
Since the supply is being specifically restricted, only a price increase could occur. Thus, creating exclusivity creates value to the seller. The third reason why exclusivity is valuable is that it creates differentiation (Finkelstein, 2009). Differentiation is a key driver of value for many products and services. Exclusivity does not equate to differentiation, but it does increase the perception of differentiation, simply by virtue of the fact that the product
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