Therefore, strong educational campaigns are absolutely essential in the successful execution of urban ecological advocacy programs. One of the most fundamental efforts that come from NOAA funding is that of educational campaigns. Along with sponsoring coastal cleanups, NOAA is a prime example of a government agency focusing on recycling education campaigns within Miami-Dade's most populated areas, like the area surrounding Brickell Ave. Educating the public in terms of recycling has been one of NOAA and it's affiliates' most powerful tools in implementing successful urban conservation programs. With such a large population so close to natural wonders, the Brickell Ave area needs effective educational campaigns to curb littering on beaches and in parks, as well as lightening the impact of the local trash supply in the city's landfills. NOAA allocates federal funds for this very purpose within a localized sphere, once again proving the synergetic collaboration between local advocacy groups and government agencies of both local and federal nature.
Hold the Line
Another, more local, advocacy group to be working within South-East Florida is the Hold the Line Organization. Although much different in concentration from marine based advocacy groups, the organization aims to curb the uncontrollable swell of urbanization within the Miami-Dade area. Hold the Line has also chosen to unite themselves with local governmental resources in order to provide the most successful results in their urban ecological advocacy efforts. In fact, the organization seeks to lobby county and city officials to support the effort to keep the Urban Development Boundary from engulfing surrounding ecological habitats. The UBD can be understood as the boundary for future development, is meant to ensure the conservation of local ecological resources. According to organizational officials, "Hold the Line believes that moving the UDB at any location, whether for a large or small development, will only encourage and lead to truly massive projects (or "Developments of Regional Impact") that will add thousands of people onto areas that are vital" for not only conservation, but also agriculture as well," (Hold the Line 2010). Therefore, great efforts have been made to curb urbanization in undeveloped areas. This protects not only Florida's ecological habitat, but also its thriving agricultural industry. Hold the Line works with Mayor Carlos Alvarez and city council members like Commissioner Kay Sorenson in order to ensure the UBD stays put, keeping the lid on the urban sprawl erupting out of the Miami-Dade area. The organization holds town meetings to show constituent support for keeping the UDB where it is. Like the other local organizations, it relies primarily on public donations. It is also supported by "nearly 140 local organizations, businesses, homeowner groups, and municipalities" (Hold the Line 2010). Thus, the advocacy group has established a strong support base within not only the local government, but also local commerce in order to produce the most effective results in their conservation efforts.
Miami Green Commission
The Miami Green Commission is a City of Miami program. It is run by Mary Conway (Chief of Operations) who works on the Development of Public Private Partnerships, and Mr. Scott Palmer Fuhrman from Holly Real Estate who serves as the Project Coordinator on the Miami Green Commission. It has been the primary developer of green policy within the Miami-Dade area. It also sponsors the Urban Forestry Working Group created a plan "that links to key urban forestry principles including a focus on appropriate tree selection, proper installation, and maintenance of trees," (City of Miami 2010). In fact, the primary goal of the Miami Green Commission is to renew the local area's canopy coverage. According to research, "The plan will be a unique coordination linking both city and county input and will be used as a framework to coordinate efforts to restore and enhance the City's tree canopy with a goal of a minimum of 30% tree canopy coverage, City-wide, by 2020," (City of Miami 2010). This includes planting trees within much of the area around the heavily populated Brickell Ave. Parks within the Brickell Ave area will receive new trees within the next few years, including Simpson Park the nature reserve on S. Miami and Broadway, Alice Wainwright Park actually on Brickell Ave and Rickenbacker Causeway, Southside Park on SW 1st Ave and SW 11th St., Allen Morris Brickell Park on SE 10th and...
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