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Union Obama's 2013 State Of The Union Essay

¶ … Union Obama's 2013 State of the Union Address


President Obama made clear that the budget for the country was the first thing mentioned when discussing finance and economics. Obama suggested that the budget was directly tied to the strength of the nation. The president spoke about the deficit reduction of over $2.5 trillion over the last few years.

Obama suggested that the goal for deficit reduction is $4 trillion and the country is not quite there yet. He offered some suggestions about how this may be accomplished. The president offered bipartisanism as a useful tool in reaching this goal. Long-term debt and health care are related as important factors in reaching this goal.

President Obama suggested that tax reform is also necessary to help eliminate the country's financial problems. Obama fingered tax loopholes for the rich as one way of reclaiming some lost economic power. Also Medicare was not offered as a cut to savings, rather the president promised that it would remained untouched even if other financial goals are not met.

Obama made an explicit agreement to help lead the nation by offering a plea not to pay the country's bills late and to fully uphold that full faith and credit of the United States of America.


President Obama began a conversation on pre-school and government schooling for our youngest citizens in this speech. He emphasized...

Obama is pushing for more government schooling for all of America in this part of the speech.
Obama presented a problem in education that pointed out the disparity between what jobs are available for Americans and what they are trained to do. Obama suggested that through tax credits, grants and better loans the federal government can assist its citizens in bridging this gap.

The president also remarked about the high cost of secondary schools or colleges and universities. In his address, Obama pleaded with the congress to help change the current status of this problem. Specifically, he asked lawmakers to amend the Higher Education Act to help level the playing field in the ways that these schools set their prices for their educational services.


The President commended and celebrated the military's past, current and future service to its nation in this speech. The conflict in Afghanistan was mentioned to help give context to the soldiers' sacrifices that are being conducted to help secure our nation. Obama added that America will have a presence in this country beyond the year 2014 but suggested that presence will be different and will perform different tasks that demonstrate…

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