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Unethical Behavior And Workplace Term Paper

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HRTC's Code Of Ethics Hospitality Restaurant Training Center (HRTC) is seeking to create an ethical workplace as it provides training to underprivileged youths in culinary arts skills and techniques. The ethical goals and priorities of HRTC include creating an ethical workplace, commitment to ethical behavior, setting ethical examples, and developing positive business value and social change. In this regard, HRTC employees will be required to comply with all environmental, safety, and fair practice laws when conducting their various responsibilities. As part of compliance with the relevant laws, the company's employees are required to be responsible and ethical when dealing with the firm's public image, products, partnerships, and finances. Secondly, HRTC requires employees to demonstrate respect to the management and their colleagues when carrying out their work. Third, at HRTC, employees should demonstrate professionalism and integrity in the workplace. Fourth, all employees are required to protect the company's property by treating it with respect and care regardless of whether its tangible or intangible....

Finally, the firm's employees are required to create a culture of open and honest communication while avoiding conflicts of interest in their work.
Evaluation Tool

During annual review, the ethical performance of every individual employee will be assessed using an ethics and integrity measurement tool that will include a set of four questions as follows:

1. Do you demonstrate honesty, integrity, and respect when carrying out your work?

2. Do you treat HRTC property with respect and care with or without supervision?

3. Do you find it difficult to comply with some laws and organizational regulations relating to your work at HRTC?

4. Do you demonstrate honesty and openness when interacting with the management and your colleagues in the workplace?

Complaint Process

As part of establishing an ethical workplace at Hospitality Restaurant Training Center, employees will be allowed to anonymously complain about any unethical behavior in the workplace. First, the organization will create a suggestion box where employees can place their complaints about unethical behaviors in the workplace and provide necessary paperwork to all employees. Secondly, once an unethical practice has been observed, the employee will be required to fill out all necessary paperwork and place it in the suggestion box. However, the paperwork should be accompanied with any relevant evidence and in compliance with what constitutes unethical behavior in the firm's workplace (Swain, n.d.). The employee should ensure that the paperwork is based on facts and not feelings or exaggerations of the situation. Third, the employee…

Sources used in this document:

Brehm, A.S. (2015). From the Chair: "Click Here to Accept the Terms of Service." Communications Lawyer, 31(1). Retrieved from

Swain, H. (n.d.). How to Report Unethical Behavior in the Workplace. Retrieved June 3, 2017, from
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