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Ukraines Invasion Public Opinion Research Proposal

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Ukraines Invasion

Some believe that Putins decision to invade Ukraine is a tremendous diplomatic strategy and will likely increase his global influence. Others are skeptical, as it appears that he has no good way out of this situation, and as a result, this situation scares them.

Research Background.

Public Opinion and Journalism

The media has been buzzing with the love that Putins actions are garnering from the Russian people. They see it; he is doing everything to make Russia great again. There is a clear message to those who dispute that: you have the right to your opinion, but Russia does not have to listen to you. Putin knows that his mission was to bring stability and prosperity back to Russia, and since he took office, one of his successes has been keeping food prices low and unemployment near zero. His approval ratings are astronomically high at the moment. So much so, there is a sense of frustration among many that he does what he does because he knows he has the countrys support. His actions speak for themselves.

Putins popularity in Russia is exponentially higher than Obamas in the USA, Camerons in the UK, and Merkels in Germany and many other world leaders. Putin also knows that his mission is to restore Russia to its former glory as of the USSR and, eventually, world stature as an empire. And that isnt going to happen without military force, i.e., war. Putin may not know that he is driven by a need to go to war as one of his top priorities. Keep in mind that he has at his disposal bombastic nationalism, fueled by decades of lying propaganda and opposition media being used in third world stories and morphed into reality (heres an article showing how it happens). Therefore, the Russians are primed for war far better than even Germany during WWII. The average Russian person wants nothing more than for Putin to invade Ukraine, the USA, or the UK so their country can be great again. It doesnt take much to provoke Putin if he thinks his honor is at stake. And in his mind, it is. And this led to the Invasion of Ukraine.

The New York Times and its audience.

The New York Times article Putin Has No Good Way Out, and What Scares Me has a pro-American tone. President Putins open support of Russian rebels fighting against Ukraine makes him a military aggressor (Not to mention his invasion of Crimea). It also makes Putin an existential threat to the stability ofthe U.S.-lead NATO alliance. The authorTHOMAS L. FRIEDMAN portrays this situation as hopeless, with no good choices on behalf of anyone involved. In addition, I suppose that the most significant issue here is that the times are being used as a boogeyman by people who wish to eitherreduce or eliminate democracy. Do they think that ifthe Times were to go away, there would be no need for human rights protections and democracy around the world or otherwise? Everything could be acceptable for all concerned because there would be no need for any oversight from outside sources.

The New York Times has always been a place for truth, for facts. Many people dont like the...

…power since and is ruled by fear. I understood that Putin is fearful as he sees himself surrounded by enemies in Ukraine or Syria and at home. The other I noted from the public is that they dont agree that Putin takes part in a regime change strategy as some have suggested, but agrees with Friedman that speculation of doing so is plausible.


Methods used for data collection came from the comments on the Twitter page and the articles Putin Has No Good Way Out, and What Scares Me and I See Three Scenarios for How This War Ends by Thomas L. Friedman. Measurements were based on the truth the data had as they were presented.

Expected contribution

Having a research question helps ensure you have been given enough time to read and think about each article by Thomas L. Friedman and has helped guide my reading of the literature. I have also found that answering questions help me write up long essays. By answering research questions, you can take what you learn from both sources and experiences and transform them into a cohesive argument for your argumentative essay, as Thomas L. Friedman did.

Expected challenges

You have to make sure that your sources are trustworthy and authoritative. You need to check all of the information carefully to be accurate and up-to-date from the Twitter pages, and they are true. You need to avoid using other peoples original work, words, or ideas without acknowledging them. In getting information from Twitter pages, sometimes a piece of information may be left out that is very important due to bias. It is common and can lead to the omission…

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