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Training Program And Unemployment Essay

¶ … Measuring and Evaluating Performance Select a societal issue that detracts from the mental health and welfare of society members anywhere in the world.

Unemployment is regularly cited as a major factor that adversely affects the mental health and welfare of people all over the world (Butterworth, 2008). Although there are a number of reasons for people being unemployed, the condition can have a wide range of negative effects, including higher levels of depression and anxiety, and even serious mental disorders such as schizophrenia (Butterworth, 2008). These effects are further exacerbated by a lack of availability of appropriate mental health resources for the poor in many communities, even in affluent nations (Butterworth, 2008). Finally, the condition of being unemployed adversely affects individuals' self-esteem and sense of self-worth, as well as limiting their ability to satisfy their basic daily living needs (Martin, 2009).

Write a brief description of the societal issue you selected, and describe two recommendations experts have made for resolving this societal issue.

Because time is of the essence in reducing unemployment to mitigate the above-described negative effects, many experts, including a professor of economics at the University of Chicago who recommends short-term strategies for reducing unemployment, including: (a) building roads, (c) cutting payroll taxes, and (c) investing in clean energy (Steigerwald, 2011). Other professors of economics have recommended longer-term solutions for reducing unemployment, including (a) increased investments in job training programs by the public and private sectors and (b) providing tax credits for small businesses that employ disadvantaged youths (Couch & Atkinson, 2005).

Identify two ethical challenges that might arise when following these recommendations

The implementation of the short-term solutions to reducing...

Although this same ethical challenge applies to many of the long-term solutions described above, increased investments in job training programs by the private sector would not be similarly affected from an ethical perspective since no taxpayer resources would be involved (Compos & Pradhan, 2007).
Finally, explain how you might address those ethical challenges. Be specific, and reference a professional code of ethics to support your response

Even though taxpayer funds will be needed for most of the above-described solutions, this investment in public funds can be justified in terms of the potential social and economic benefits that can be achieved through unemployment reduction initiatives in both the short- and long terms (Xinxuan & Cheng, 2015). Moreover, these investments are also consistent with the second ethical principle of the National Association of Social Worker code of ethics which states, "Social workers' social change efforts are focused primarily on issues of poverty, unemployment, discrimination, and other forms of social injustice."

Capstone Project Part IV: The Technicals: Measuring and Evaluating Performance

Description of leading indicators of success

The leading indicators for success for the strategic plan envisioned herein is based on the following goals:

1. Expand the indigenous youth programs and partnerships throughout North America

2. Develop a program model-based CWY's model that can be readily implemented in the countries of Oceania where it currently lacks a presence.

3 Develop a training program…

Sources used in this document:

Butterworth, P. (2008, Summer). The experience of welfare receipt: Depression, demoralisation and despair? Impact, 15-17.

Code of ethics. (2008). National Association of Social Workers. Retrieved from

Campos, J. E. & Pradham, S. (2007). The many faces of corruption: Tracking vulnerabilities at the sector level. Washington, DC: World Bank.

Couch, J. F. & Atkinson, K. E. (2005, April). The impact of enterprise zones on job creation in Mississippi. Contemporary Economic Policy, 23(2), 253-258.
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