¶ … traditions that are each very important approaches to the education of young people. The strategies presented in this paper -- culturally relative pedagogy, social justice and the Jesuit tradition -- are excellent approaches for a teacher learning how to lead morally and intellectually in the classroom.
The Jesuit tradition of education is described by Rev. Robert Spitzer as having been founded from the "Ratio Studiorum" of 1599. The goal of the Ratio Studiorum was, according to Spitzer, not just as an aid in developing thinking, writing, and rhetorical skills, but rather to "…help students understand and articulate the wisdom, knowledge, and habits" that can be of benefit to the souls of others, and to the students' souls (Spitzer, p. 1).
Through the study of philosophy, the student will increase the value and substance of his or her background, Spitzer contends. There are five reasons why Spitzer believes learning about philosophy leads to a good understanding of the Jesuit tradition; those five are: a) rationality ("evidence, consistency, valid argumentation, and systematic avoidance of...
Tradition -- Qualitative traditions, also known as approaches, view the more multidimensional and multidisciplinary paradigm of research (conceptions of self, ethics, the environment, etc. (Creswell, p. 51). It is an approach or mind-set to the way research is conducted, but more than that it is the approach to the subject matter that may be sociological, cultural, historical, etc. -- all depending on the expertise of the researcher, the desired
While I do not believe that Narnia exists, I do believe it exists and can be reached through a wardrobe while reading that book. In contrast, while most modern romance novels are set in modern-day, realistic settings, the events within them are so obviously contrived that it detracts from, rather than enhances, the storyline. Therefore, I think that fiction writing teachers need to concentrate on teaching students how to
Reithian Tradition challenges face Director-General BBC maintain Reithian tradition British public service broadcasting face technological change crises funding content ? Are lessons draw past? The Reithian tradition comes from John Reith who was the British Broadcasting Corporation's director general. He created a concept of broadcasting that was centered along educating viewers. He was an autocratic leader which made the approach of educating viewers successful. He built internal checks which helped to
ideographic tradition and seeks to focus on the insider's world and the meanings that are attached to behaviour. While this is a general view of qualitative studies each qualitative design has unique foci. Hudacek (2008) examined the concept of caring in the work of nurses using a phenomenological design. Phenomenology gives attention to the subjective social reality. It gives value to the individual experience of the actor even within
With St. Paul, Luke traveled to several different destinations including Samothrace and Philippi -- where he appears to have lingered to guide the Church. The duo then reunite in Troas and Luke is with St. Paul during the latter's stay in a Roman jail. As Paul says: "Only Luke is with me" (2 Timothy 4:11). Exactly what Luke did with Paul during this time is debated: "St. Jerome thinks it
Two valuable sources of information do exist: The first one does fall within the conflicting traditions themselves. They are never useful in the solving of the disputes by invoking worldly views. They are indeed a complex set of legal traditions since they do succeed in the reconciliation of otherwise different theoretical views. The second source of information is facts. Multivalence is an important factor in the explanation of the various
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