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Thomas Aquinas And God Essay

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Thomas Aquinas created his worldview through a combination of theology and philosophy. He believed that an individual must be ordered toward the right attributes on a daily basis. Attributes such as charity, peace and holiness are all apart of philosophy he called, "Virtue Ethics." He believed that good scriptural theology presupposes good philosophical analysis and analysis. Thomas primarily used philosophy as a medium to discern what we can naturally know about human being and God. As an Aristotelian and an Empiricist, his works were heavily influenced by these streams of thought. Aquinas believed in both supernatural revelation and natural revelation. With natural revelation, Aquinas believed the truths are available to individuals based solely through their human nature and correct reasoning's. With supernatural revelation, he believed that humans could learn the truth only through reading the scripture. The theological virtues of faith, hope and charity and Aquinas believed, were supernatural and can distinct. These two elements...

Aquinas believed that faith and reason are the primary tools used to assess the true existence of God. Aquinas combined these two principles into his most influential work, "Summa Theologica" which provides five proofs that God exists. Aquinas also possessed that worldview that God reveals himself through nature. Therefore the study of nature is pertinent to the overall understanding and study of God. He believed that four cardinal virtures are found in nature only and bind all humanity. These virtues include prudence, temperance, justice and fortitude. Finally in terms of a worldview Aquinas believed that the primary goal of human beings is to form a union and eternal fellowship with God. He believed that those individuals who accept Christ into their hearts will experience salvation and redemption.
John Comenius has very distinct similarities and differences to that of Thomas Aquinas. Similar to Aquinas, Comenius had a strong affinity for education and its impact on human welfare. Also like Aquinas, he advocated for a multi-disciplinary approach to learning. Aquinas heavily advocated of the study of social, political, and theological facts. Aquinas combined the study of nature, with theology and philosophy. Comenius did the same but focused primary on the foundation and principles that outline the educational system overall. For one, Comenius was very innovative in regards to education conducted. While Aquinas combined the educational principles of theology and philosophy, Comenius revolutionized…

Sources used in this document:

1) Comenius, Johann Amos. 1673. The Gate of Languages Unlocked, or, A Seed-Plot of All Arts and Tongues: Containing a Ready Way to Learn the Latine and English Tongue. London: Printed by T.R. and N.T. for the Company of Stationers.

2) Spinka, Mathew. 1967. John Amos Comenius: That Incomparable Moravian. New York: Russell and Russell.
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