Significant outcomes were that children were less likely than either adolescent or adults to report aggressive obsessions and mental rituals.
The glaring - and possibly only -- distractions that I see with this study are that groups are ill matched. There is a large range of ages even amongst each group (children ranged between 6-12 whilst adolescents ranged between 13-18); they were ill-matched in OCD symptoms too; there were far less children than adolescents; and adults more than doubled the size of the juvenile and children group combined. Self-reported OCD symptom could have been produced by an alternate factor (another determinant) that was not taken into account. What could have been taken then as start of symptom could have been, in reality, commencement of something else, or symptom could have been instigated by some element peculiar to the individual's background, situation, personality, or other confounding influence. More so, the reverse could as equally be true in that overt manifestation of symptom appeared only later, whilst covert had been in existence much earlier.
In short, there are observed differences between the groups, with groups being drastically top-heavy and non-equivalent to one another in number; the observed effect may be due to these differences rather than as the result of the experimental study.
Effect of OCD on caregivers
The disorder has an overwhelming impact on the caregiver and immediate family and friends who may spend much of their time caring for the patient and preventing him from harming himself (Hollander & Wong 1998). In severe cases, ritualizing can take the entire day and the individual may suffer, for instance, extensive skin damage from excessive hand washing or hand-rubbing.
To assess the effect on the caregiver, Tolin et al. (2008) conducted an Internet survey amongst participants who reported hoarding behavior. Self-identified hoarding participants (N =864, 94% female, 65% of these met research criteria for clinically relevant compulsive hoarding) and a sample of family members of those who hoarded (N = 655, 58% described a relative who appeared to meet research criteria for compulsive hoarding), completed an Internet survey. Questions were partially derived from the National Comorbidity Survey (NCS), and participants were compared to NCS participants. According to researchers, results suggested that compulsive hoarding represents a "profound public health burden in terms of occupational impairment, poor physical health, and social service involvement" (p.1). Problems included the fact that the sample was conducted from over 8,000 individuals who had contacted researchers during the last 3 years for information about compulsive hoarding. Other factors might have influenced the diagnosis. Particularly considering the fact that participants were self-reported hoarders, it is by no means certain that they reliably met the criteria of OCD even though reliable instrumentation was used. Secondly, a second group -- family members - was approached regarding hoarding behavior of a family member who hoarded. The individual in question (the family member himself) was not approached in this case. It is difficult, therefore, without direct contact with the specific individual, to know whether family members were accurate in their diagnosis despite internal consistency of the measure. Although instrumentation - the Hoarding Rate Scale Interview is recorded to have high internal validity -- self-report is nonetheless questionable. Moreover, the selection method itself could have interacted with maturation and history (several participants had approached researched at least 3 years earlier) thus biasing the study.
A more egregious concern is that data was matched against the NCS, a stratified, multistage area probability sample of mental disorders in persons aged 15 to 54 years in the United States from 1990 -- 1992. Yet, the NCS was conducted more than 15 years ago on a different population (this population, for instance, consisted of primarily females), in a different environment, using different recruitment methods and methodology. The online atmosphere may have introduced confounding elements and distractions. To compare results, as researchers did, to the results obtained from the NCS survey is, consequently, erroneous.
Another problem with the questionnaires -- and one that is relevant to certain other studies mentioned here aside from the one above - is that recognition of OCD may require direct questions, as the patient is often embarrassed to divulge symptoms, and may not always be aware of their fullest extent. Moreover, people with hoarding symptoms may not see their hoarding as a problem (Tolin, 2008). The current best-validated instrument is the Yale-Brown obsessive-compulsive scale (Y-BOCS), which exists in both an adult and a child version (Goodman et al., 1984).
OCD and quality of life
It is inevitable that OCD affects the quality of life not only of the individual but also of involved caretakers. Absorption with ritualizing...
dysfunctional behavior that strikes 1 out of 40 or 50 adults and 1 out of 100 children or 2-3% of any population. It can begin at any age, although most commonly in adolescence or early adulthood - from ages 6 to 15 in boys and between 20 and 30 in women -- according to the National Institute for Mental Health. This behavioral affliction is, therefore, more common than schizophrenia
" (p. 12) According to Cromer (2005) the literature that addresses the relationship between stressful life events and obsessive compulsive disorders does provide some degree of support implicating traumatic life-stress as being a factor in the onset and maintenance of the obsessive compulsive disorders however the exact relationship between the SLE and OCD "remains an empirical questions" specifically relating to "traumatic negative life events" (2005; p.13) Most of studies in
The entire research constitutes three different studies, each of them dedicated to a distinct stage in problematic usage of mobile phones. Study 1 A multi-dimensional psychometric measure was developed for the behaviour, described as problematic use of mobile phones (PUMP). The four-factor 16-item solution included behavioural dimensions of problematic use as follows: (1) impulsive use, (2) mounting tension, (3) dependency, and (4) control loss. A fifth dimension (denial) was removed during
Theoretical Perspective of the Approach The approach's personality models are grounded on biological models. The models are based on empirical human and animal findings concerning the associations between neurological system functions and personality dimensions. Traits that are measured are reward-dependence, harm avoidance, novelty-seeking etc. The hypothesis is that they are grounded on genetic and neurochemical influences. For instance, sensation-seeking and explorative tendencies like drug usage make use of dopaminergic pathways, and
Abnormal psychology is a field in psychology that addresses dysfunctions in behavior which are determined abnormally by standards of behavior .These standards have been established by clinical professionals in the field such as medical doctors, psychiatrists and psychologists. Behaviors considered to be abnormal are; schizophrenia, depression, attention deficit disorder, eating disorder, sexual deviance, obsessive compulsive disorder and anti-social disorder (Cherry, 2012). These disordered function outside the normal parameters of the
E., they became helpless). Furthermore, other behaviors of the dogs were adversely affected (e.g., the dogs appeared apathetic and had poor appetites) (Hitzemann, 2000). In his essay, "Animal Models of Psychiatric Disorders and Their Relevance to Alcoholism," Hitzemann (2000) reports that, "Both fear and anxiety are alerting signals that warn the individual against impending danger and enable the individual to take defensive measures. For animals, the distinctions between fear and
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