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Text Messaging And Communication SWOT

¶ … messaging has become a common method of communication in the modern society because of the proliferation of mobile phones and Internet-based instant messaging platforms. Text messaging has permeated nearly every facet of the society including the healthcare sector where medical personnel utilize it to relay patient information. The increased use of text messaging in the healthcare sector is attributable to the fact that medical personnel are increasingly looking for measures for improved collaboration towards better patient outcomes. Even though text messaging enhances collaboration, the problem is it's unsecured and characterized by security risks and concerns. Using risk analysis and gap analysis approach, a SWOT analysis is carried out to examine the significance of text messaging in clinical communication with regards to its impact on medical personnel and patients. The strengths of text messaging in clinical communication include improved collaboration between medical personnel, seamless and smooth communication between medical personnel, and effectiveness in promoting health habits. On the contrary, the weaknesses include unsecure nature of text messaging, increased complexity of mobile security needs, and failure to record vital health information. The opportunities of text messaging are encrypted texting, use of authentication controls, and utilizing an application policy. The threats of the use text messaging in healthcare include probable extension of text messaging ban and threats of data breaches, security hacks, and violation of legal provisions.

In light of these factors, the most suitable solution to the problem of unsecured text messaging in clinical communication is encrypted texting. This is a suitable solution that ensures increased use of text messaging in healthcare while preventing access of patient information by unauthorized persons.

Unsecured Data Messaging

One of the most dominant or common means of communication in the modern society is text messaging as the volume of text messages exceeds voice calls volume in the United States since 2008. The rapid increase in the volume of text messages is attributable to the wide proliferation of smartphones and Internet-based instant messaging services on these devices (Mortier, Mellette & Williamsburg, 2015). The increased use of text messages has permeated nearly every facet of the society including the healthcare sector. Many healthcare providers are increasingly relying on text messaging and Internet-based instant messaging services on these devices in clinical communication. The various stakeholders such as physicians and nurses in the healthcare sector are using text messaging to transmit patient care information. The use of text messaging in the healthcare sector...

However, the use of text messaging in clinical communication has generated concerns regarding the security, unauthorized access and maintaining privacy of patient information.
Statement of the Problem, Situation, and Issue

Healthcare providers are increasingly looking for better measures to collaborate with each other given the increased demands and regulations for improved delivery of patient care services and better patient outcomes. These stakeholders have resorted to using text messaging in clinical information since it has become the most often used communication means. Healthcare providers and other medical personnel continue to use text messages to transmit patient information with a view of enhancing collaboration towards the realization of better patient outcomes. However, this practice has generated several concerns relating to the safety of text messaging as a communication method in the clinical setting. Medical personnel are facing concerns on the potential consequences of unauthorized access to this information as well as issues relating to privacy. In essence, secure text messaging is a major problem, especially with regards to compliance with various healthcare laws such as HIPAA, which stipulates patient information must be kept secure at all times (Tiger Text, 2016).

Despite its numerous benefits and advantages in enhancing collaboration between medical personnel, text messaging raises general security concerns that could ultimately compromise the quality and effectiveness of patient care services. The general security concern emerges from the fact that text messages are currently designed in a way that can be accessible and read by anyone. These messages usually lie unsecured on the servers of telecommunication providers and mobile phone companies (Tiger Text, 2016). This implies that text messages can easily be intercepted and read by anyone during transit. Therefore, healthcare providers are facing the risks of unsecured text messaging, which in turn violates health compliance laws. The decision under consideration to address this issue is encrypted texting, which is relatively secure.

Criteria for Analysis

To identify the significance of text messaging in today's clinical communication, it's important to conduct a SWOT analysis on the proliferation of this practice in the modern healthcare environment. The criterion for conducting the SWOT analysis is risk analysis, which will help in examining the practice and its associated risks. Through the risk analysis approach, the SWOT analysis will focus on examining the advantages of text messaging with regards to enhancing communication between medical personnel. Additionally, the analysis will also focus on security standards and security risks relating to text messaging, especially with regards to relevant health compliance regulations. In this case, the capability of text messaging to meet required security standards will be examined and illustrated in the SWOT analysis.

The analysis will also focus on examining the impact on text messaging on various stakeholders or…

Sources used in this document:

Doucette, J.N. (2014, October). Is Staff Text Messaging Bad News? Nursing Management, 45(10), 56.

Love, R. (2016, November 1). Text Messaging and Secure Communication in Healthcare. Retrieved February 27, 2017, from

Mortier, N.C., Mellette, P.C. & Williamsburg, V.A. (2015). Time to Get the Message: The Risks of Text Messaging of Patient Information. ABA Health eSource, 12(3). Retrieved from

Tiger Text. (2016). Secure Text Messaging for Healthcare. Retrieved February 27, 2017, from
QliqSOFT. (2016, March 23). The Role of Secure Texting in Patient Communication. Retrieved February 27, 2017, from
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