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Terror Attacks And Attacks Essay

1) What are the main arguments of the author? The main arguments of the author are that Pentecostal Christians are the victims of violent attacks in India at a rate that is inordinately high. Yet the subject receives little attention either in the mainstream press or in the Indian media. It appears that there is a cultural hostility directed towards Christians in general in India and towards Pentecostalism in particular. The book’s intention is to shed light on this phenomenon by highlighting the details of the Pentecostals in India, their relationship to anti-Christian violence and what can be learned from the examination.

The author seeks to apply an “everyday” lens to the work and show that the violence against this Christian group is “routinized” and “entrenched as one relatively regular form…of communication between Hindus and Christians.”[footnoteRef:1] He also seeks to show that the mainstream Catholic and Protestant churches are not the targets of violence but rather that the missionary and especially the Pentecostal churches are the ones that are routinely targeted. The author’s main argument is that there is an organization in Hindu society in India that seeks to divide the Pentecostal community and drive it away from Indian society. This group is national rather than local and the attacks are often perpetrated by members of this organization rather than by locals with direct contact or association with the Pentecostal community. In other words, the violence is not organic but rather systematic and part of an evidently pre-planned purge that has been designed and put into practice in India.

2) What can one learn from this? [1: Chad Bauman, Pentecostals, Proselytization, and Anti-Christian Violence in Contemporary India; Oxford University Press: 2015, p. 3.]

One can learn from this that in any society there are cultural institutions that will clash with other and cause friction to develop. The institutions will operate on an ideological level and will override communal concerns because they will not see the other as human beings but rather as obstacles or enemies of their own ideological aims and ideals. In this case, the Hindu Organization (RSS) antagonizes the Pentecostal churches wherever they are found in India. The need for better understanding and dialogue among these groups is apparent—but arriving at a place where such an...

Bauman notes that it is the common open air practice of Evangelists, for instance, that some find so provocative and antagonizing in its own right. The story of the young Evangelical preacher who was assaulted by the RSS while the RSS invoked the Goddess Ganga and threw away all the books of the preacher is one instance of this titanic struggle between two opposing worldviews and perspectives on God.[footnoteRef:2] Understanding how this violent clash can be resolved is not simple but it is clear that the climate of tension has to be defused in some way.
3) What do most readers find interesting? [2: Chad Bauman, Pentecostals, Proselytization, and Anti-Christian Violence in Contemporary India; Oxford University Press: 2015, p. 9.]

The fact that there is disagreement about how the Christian missionaries, Evangelists, Pentecostals and Charismatics should integrate themselves into Indian society is interesting. First, it shows that the culture of India is not exactly the same as in Western cultures where the fringe Protestant groups would normally find more tolerance and acceptance. These groups have methods of reaching out to the community and of practicing their religions that is at odds with the RSS in particular and with the way that other leaders feel religion should be demonstrated in public.

The ostensible assignation of the anti-Christian violence by both Hindu and Christian observers to “simple, passionate, and unrestrained nature of India’s rural low-caste and tribal peoples” is interesting as well.[footnoteRef:3] It locates part of the problem in the very social structure or fabric of Indian society—the caste system. There is no doubt anger and resentment within the lower castes of this system that stems from the fact that they are stuck and cannot better their own lives in any way because of an arbitrary class structure that will not allow them out of it. This resentment surely boils over into anger and violence at others who are outsiders or who are Indians like them who attempt to escape this system or antagonize it by…

Sources used in this document:


Bauman, Chad. Pentecostals, Proselytization, and Anti-Christian Violence in

Contemporary India. UK: Oxford University Press: 2015.


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