Research has shown that children who watch a large amount of television typically do poorly in school, yet those who spend a moderate amount of time in front of the television do better than non-viewers. There is a small negative relationship between television viewing and a child's IQ. However, there are significant subgroup differences. There are several examples, such as -- a high IQ is positively related to television viewing for children until they reach their teens. In addition, the negative relationship found with television viewing and IQ is stronger for boys than girls. Another important subgroup difference that is lost in the generalization of the subject of children and television is that television viewing and reading are positively related, up to a viewing of ten hours per week ("Children & television"). In addition to the direct skills television can teach, it is also a perfect medium for indirectly teaching as well.
Socialization is an important concept children's television can teach, especially sex role and race role socialization. However, children's programming often finds females and minority races underrepresented. Additionally, stereotypes can be present that negatively affect what children learn about the world outside.
Advertisements on programming also affect what children learn indirectly, leading to increased requests to buy products, obesity and alcohol and cigarette consumption ("Children and Television," 2008).
The Negative Effects of Television on Development
For children under two years of age, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends that children do not watch any television. This recommendation is in light of the understanding of how critical the first two years of life are to brain development. Some surmise that television viewing, as well as other electronic media, can interfere with playing, exploring and interacting with others that are all part of healthy social and physical development. This concern continues as children get older and television takes away from time that could be spent reading, doing homework, being physically active, playing with friends, or with the family ("How TV," 2009). Excess television can be harmful in other ways as well.
Consistently spending more than four hours per day watching television has been linked to a higher incidence of obesity in children. Children who watch violent acts on television are more likely to exhibit aggressive behavior. In addition, these children are also more prone to be frightened of the world around them and believe that something bad is going to happen to them. Television also reinforces unhealthy behaviors, such as drinking and smoking. It can also reinforce racial and gender stereotypes ("How TV," 2009).
Television and Violence
To say that there is violence on television is a bit of an understatement. By age 18, the average American child has seen 200,000 acts of violence on television. One primary concern is that children may become desensitized to violence and, therefore, more aggressive (Pearl, 1984). Television programs often glorify violence, making it appear to be fun or an effective means of obtaining a goal. This violence isn't only performed by the bad guys on television; the good guys commit acts of violence as well, further graying the issue for children. To further confuse children, the bad guys aren't always held accountable for their actions, on television programs ("How TV," 2009). Not only are these bad examples to be setting for impressionable minds, but violence can also be scary for children too.
Dennis (1998) notes younger children are most likely to be frightened by violent scenes and scary images. Although they can be told that what they're viewing isn't real, it's little consolation because it's difficult for young children to distinguish between reality and fantasy. The result of this exposure can be nightmares, behavior problems, and difficulty sleeping. Even older children can find violence of television frightening. Whether the violence they're viewing is on a fictional program, a reality-show, or on the news, it can still be scary for them. As children get older, it is easier to reason with them, however. For this reason, it's important that adults discuss what's been seen on the program and reassure the child to help ease their fears ("How TV," 2009).
Television and Risky Behavior
As mentioned, another effect of television that is a concern for researchers, educators, and parents alike is the promotion of unhealthy, or risky, behavior. A two-week study in July 2005 found that during primetime hours, of 7 to 10 p.m., "sex was referenced 1.8 times, drugs 0.6 times, tobacco 0.3 times, alcohol 2.4 times, and violence/crime 6.0 times per network. Messages advocating exercise, anti-drug advocacy, and anti-smoking advocacy were each shown 0.2 times per hour; while anti-alcohol advocacy was shown 0.1 times per hour" (Suzuki & Yamamoto, 2008). One of the most commonly found places for the promotion of unhealthy behavior, outside of the television program itself, is in television commercials. Both programs and commercials...
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