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Technology Assessments Term Paper

Technology Assessments Prior to launching into an assignment to create a Technology Assessment Committee, it is prudent to offer an in-depth description of a TAC, and the need therein.

Introduction to Technology Assessment in Hospitals

Technology Assessment Committee should be "incorporated into the strategic management of a hospital," according to Uphoff & Krane, and perhaps that is an understatement. Why? For two critical reasons: 1) Given the pivotal need for constant upgrading of technologies which hospitals rely upon for the delivery of maximum health care to patients, and the fact that financial resources are scarce in many hospitals, a TAC is vital; and 2) Given the fact that stress and burnout are being reported as widespread among health care professionals - and that there are key decisions to be made as to whether to spend money to bring in new technology or spend money to upgrade working conditions and pay for employees - a TAC makes logical and reasonable sense.

Meantime, Uphoff & Krane add fuel to the fire of the vital need for TACs with their shocking revelation that about 2,000 MRI scanners were recently in place in hospitals around America - at an average cost of $1.5 million each - and yet, "not a single study examining the effect on patient outcomes" of MRIs was to be found. This situation cries out for pre-purchasing evaluation by hospital...

"Successful TACs have ranged in size from 5 to 32 members," according to the Uphoff and Krane piece, but they add, and I concur, "a group of 12 members..." is more workable. Thirty-two people in one room trying to make decisions on spending for technology would be totally absurd. Hours would be spent haggling, as many of those 32 would likely be in the dark about the proposed technology, and would need enlightening, thus dragging the meeting down.
And what departments should be included? The article suggests representation from all major clinical groups, plus an administration person and staff from nursing, pharmacy, allied health, marketing, risk management, biomedical engineering and ethics, and of course, doctors. And, in the event that regular TAC members do not have the knowledge to make…

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