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Team Building Training Proposal Research Paper

The idea of citizenship is essential to team building, as Werner (2017) points out. Citizenship behaviors are those in which the individual member of the team feels that he has a stake in the team, in the outcomes and the processes implemented to achieve those outcomes. Yet, as with any society, there can often be division and differences of opinion that create tension and conflict. Conflict can be seen as normal and natural in a team—and how it is dealt with is really what matters (Chauvin, 2019). For this team building training proposal, the focus is going to be on a training program based on Tuckman’s model of forming, storming, norming and performing. The idea here will be for HRD to explain to potential team members that conflict is not only normal but to be expected. What is important is that team members engage in acceptance, understanding, and personal accountability so that they can be great team members and help the team to achieve its objectives. Central to the accomplishment of this training will be the crucial and impactful focus on the need for emotional intelligence, which fosters team processes and effectiveness (Lee & Wong, 2019). To achieve success with this training program, the key will be the use of simulation exercises so that staff get the opportunity to role play and put the information they given into practice. As Werner (2017) explains, simulation can be highly influential in helping workers to gain insight and understanding. This paper will explain this proposal, describe the methodology involved, discuss the rationale for the proposal, and detail the lesson plan.

Training Program

The first step before any training program can be designed is to conduct a needs assessment of the trainees (Werner, 2017). This will show what areas of understanding the audience has and what areas they need to develop. Once this information is collected, the training program can focus on those areas that need attention. Prioritizing needs is what the programmer must do (Werner, 2017).

To prioritize the needs, the design must take shape, first, by defining the objective. The objective for this training program is to teach workers what it means for a team to come together using Tuckman’s model of forming, storming, norming and performing. It is not always going to be a smooth sailing ride and workers need to know that. They need to know that team members may come to the meeting with personal issues, that they may have fears and doubts, and that there may be conflict—but that is all to be accepted and anticipated. The key is allowing the team to work through these issues and learn to accept what is going on with each other so that there is no judgment and no personal offense.

The second step is to develop the lesson plan. The lesson plan for this training program will be discussed in the following section. The lesson plan essentially acts as the blueprint for how the training program will go, with an eye towards the audience, the resources need, how delivery of information will proceed and what exercises will be conducted (simulation role playing).

The third step is the acquisition of the materials that will be required. These are the materials that will help the program to be effective. They will include whatever tools the trainer needs to communicate the program. This may be anything from slides to video presentation to booklets (Werner, 2017). For this program, all that will be needed is the lesson plan and an activity space for role playing.

The fourth step is selecting the trainer/leader. The trainer/leader should be someone skilled in training and who has the knowledge and expertise to answer questions from trainees. The person should be an excellent communicator who possesses emotional intelligence.

The fifth step...…come to the fore

2. This is an important part of team development as it allows the inherent richness and strength of the team to emerge organically

iii. Norming

1. Resolution of differences occurs as conflicts are resolved and strengths are acknowledged

2. Feedback can be accepted without feeling hurt and the team can move forward with ease

iv. Performing

1. The team realizes its full potential

2. Structured processes are implemented and goals are achieved

c. Why can role playing help?

i. Simulation gives us the opportunity to engage in the type of situation that we are likely to be part of in the real world

ii. That experience helps to strengthen us so that we are better prepared to handle the challenges ahead

2. Delivery Sequence

a. First, explain the meaning and importance of EI and how it can be used to help each stage of the team building process proceed

b. Second, explain the stages of the Tuckman model, giving examples of each stage along the way

c. Engage in role play simulation with each trainee having an opportunity to play at least 2-3 different “characters” in the simulations

i. Go through each stage of Tuckman’s model

ii. Give special attention to the issue of EI and how it might be used in each stage

iii. Allow time for multiple simulations

iv. Give half an hour for each simulation

3. Evaluation

a. Evaluation should be direct and immediate

b. After the first simulation exercise, give each trainee an appraisal, identifying strengths and weaknesses in their interactions based on how well they utilized EI and how well they allowed for the stages of the model to proceed appropriately

c. Assess whether feedback and constructive criticism are implemented in the next round of simulations; give praise if so

4. Feedback

a. Ask for and accept feedback from the trainees prior to dismissal

b. Use this feedback to…

Sources used in this document:


Chauvin, R. (2019). Go high! Dealing with team conflict and uncomfortable conversations in critical care. Canadian Journal of Critical Care Nursing, 30(2), 27.

Crawford, J. A., Dawkins, S., Martin, A., & Lewis, G. (2020). Putting the leader back into authentic leadership: Reconceptualising and rethinking leaders. Australian Journal of Management, 45(1), 114-133.

Johnsen, C. G. (2018). Authenticating the leader: Why Bill George believes that a moral compass would have kept Jeffrey Skilling out of jail. Journal of Business Ethics, 147(1), 53–63.

Lee, C., & Wong, C. S. (2019). The effect of team emotional intelligence on team process and effectiveness. Journal of Management & Organization, 25(6), 844-859.

Werner, J. (2017). Human resource development (7th ed.). Cengage.

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