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Target Marketing Simply Involves The Process Of Essay

Target marketing simply involves the process of breaking the market into segments and then further focusing on a specific segment. Target market could also involve concentrating on related segments of the broken market in order to improve then instead dealing with marketing as a whole Kotler & Armstrong, 2010. Before marketing is done some things first there are things that should be determined within the business. The first step before coming up with proper marketing strategy one should identify the problem in the business Pogia & University, 2000.

There are many problems that could be affecting the performance of a business. For instance the products being offered to the market could be less competitive in that whatever products are being offered in the market are not as popular in that case one would incur less profits if not losses. One should have competitive products and one that have high returns in terms of profit. In that case one could be in business.


These include poor planning, delayed deliveries, low quality products and many more; all these are due to inefficiency and all lead to customers' dissatisfaction which in turn leads to business failure due to lack of ready market Moehlman, 2010.
One should come up with efficient business processes that ensure customers in that way one gets ready market for their products.

Being up-to-date in terms of technology is a factor affecting business performance. Obsolete machines and technologies should be eradicated and current technologies embraced. Use of obsolete techniques would mean one would not compete effectively in the market with people with newer technologies. This includes the IT department and production too. In that case communication can be improved within the business thus improving the business productivity and eventually profits. Lastly personal issues should be mixed with business matters…

Sources used in this document:

Kotler, P., & Armstrong, G.M. (2010). Principles of marketing. New Jersey: Prentice Hall.

Moehlman, M. (2010). Target Market. London: Bewrite Books.

Pogia, M., & University, R. (2000). Target market: an investigation of the relationship between fine art and advertising. Victoria: RMIT University.
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