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Tablets Take Their Place In The PC Market Case Study

Tablets Take Their Place in the PC Market The invention of the personal computer (PC) has an impact on the technological progress of the world. The technology that came into force in the early 1980s began as bulky machines and has since evolved into light machines. Engineers have been trying to reshape and design personal computers to meet the needs of today's world. One has to realize that personal computers are there to stay as; long as humanity exists. The evolution of personal computers to other more powerful, lighter and potable machines relate to the evolution of the PC. Personal computers have been within the world for a long time. The very first type of PCs had their keyboards borrowed from typewriters.

However, individuals became inquisitive of the application of pens, which has been the most comfortable writing tool for long on PCs. Therefore, this led to the use of pen computing. A crucial element to the present tablet PC the first machine able to recognize handwriting got its patent in the year 1915. This history runs deeper that the first documented public display of the use of computer tablet instead of a computer keyboard was in the year 1956. Tablet computers in those eras appeared as works of science fiction, but reality would strike much later. Personal computer has been reinventing to move away from using keyboard systems to the use of tablets. Although personal computers have been reducing their sales volume while tablets have been on an increase in terms of sales, companies still produce PCs using previous technology. There has been a downward shipment of personal computers while tablets have been on an increase in shipment from the year 2012.

Tablets and smart phones have revolutionized the computing world. Today restaurants use tablets in offering services; schools are using tablets as well as individuals. Computers are now necessary in schools; therefore, teachers have to perform teaching with computers, and aviation experts now use tablets in the place of paper charts. By the year 2014, smart phones had gained popularity with the America public that had personal computers. Although tablets and smart gadgets have been popular, there are those consumers who choose Tablets over laptops and desktops. The Tablet is much lighter, portable and consumes less energy. In this category, Apple iPad is the most popular. Although creators of the Tablet technology envisioned personal use, these gadgets have gained acceptance in organizations. Organizations have developed unique ways of incorporating the use of tablets in their daily routine.

Laptops & Tablet PCs

Laptops seem to have a recent competitor. Laptops became an improvement from desktops, but the technologies seem to be ancient thanks to the tablet PC. Tablets PC have become popular due to its portability, wide range of use and easy to use interfaces. The concept of these two designs is the same but understanding them in great depth will prove their difference. The first prominent difference of the two gadgets relate to the Tablet PC not having a keyboard. The Tablet like a Smartphone uses a virtual keyboard. Another difference relates to size a laptop is larger, unlike a Tablet. Further tablets are efficient energy users and stay with their battery power for long. In terms of storage space, the laptops still hold large space for use unlike Tablets, which have a small storage capacity. Since tablets rely on low power, their performance is much lower than for laptops.

Tablet PC as the Teacher

Tablets PC can be a guide for learners. Children, as well as adults can, learn with the help of Tablets PCs or smart phones. However, there have been arguments on the effects of children learning by using Tablet PC. There has been an increased need of considering the types of software to use in developing children education programs. There have been questions as to the age at which students should start using computer-based training programs while some wonder what role a teacher plays in a Tablet PC classroom. When incorporating computer systems in a Childs education, teachers need to have an understanding on how the tools can meet life goals, and educational standards, know the functions of the various tools.

Teachers need also to monitor students' use of the gadgets at every step and adjust tasks at every stage. Further teachers need to identify the interest of students as individuals and groups. As young children are increasing their use of smart phones and tablets, there is a need to have teachers educating them at lower grades. Even in a world, there is Artificial Intelligent Tablets, physical presence of teachers is crucial in a child's growth. Teacher's presence has an impact...

Software development plays an important role in educating children in schools using Tablet PC computers.
Software development companies have developed software to help children their skills. Software assists children in their social skills, cognitive skills as well as assists in knowledge transmission. However, teachers need to be near monitoring a child's development. Teachers provide the modeling task, coach and give advice. Software assists children in developing their learning abilities, thinking, and other social skills. There are a variety of software to use depending on the level of a child and their level of adaptation. This software assist children with disabilities attain basic knowledge, as well as shape their other skills. Tablet PC assist children with listening, math, memory, organization, reading and writing problems. There is a variety of tools in the market for children development. For those children with disabilities, there are tools such as abbreviation expanders, publications of books as audio, where children get an opportunity to listen to CDS and MP3.

There are other technological tools such as alternative keyboards for disabled children, as well as speech recognition programs. Children also get the opportunity of learning through using talking calculators and using graphic outlining tools. Other programs and software in Tablet PCs include programs to assist children in drawing, calculation, grammar, memorizing and spelling, organizing as well as science education. Therefore, software designers need to develop user-friendly programs for children and teachers. There has been an argument on when a child should get an introduction into using ipads, laptops and smartphones. The best time to introduce a child to these gadgets is at age three. Children under the ages of three learn best from world experiences that is why it is crucial for one to assist students with their experiences before using computer gadgets. However, parental guidance is crucial at this stage since children at age three have the ability to gain information from various media.

End User Systems

In the past, computer systems developed systems that made it hard for users without training. In today's computer world, gadgets have been on high demand. Producers of these devices have expanded on their technology. These have made it necessary for them to have more user-friendly gadgets. With these competitions and rapid improvement in communication and computing technology, there are diverse systems. Customers have a wide variety of tablets PC to choose from thus user-friendly technologies come into play. With all the mobile application and tablet apps in the market, it makes no sense for a producer to produce systems that need training.

Organizations manufacturing and producing IT services no longer make a catalogue of what they system they can assist. End users of such devices expect these devices to detect problems and fix them. They also expect the device to do activities, as they like. Therefore, Tablets and smart phones come to the aid of a tablet user. With programs such as android tablet, owners can perform a variety of tasks that would have been hard with the use of previous systems. These end user programs support a variety of platforms. These features supporting Tablets and smart phones include iOS, BlackBerry, Android and apple. They assist user chat over their devices; perform a variety of tasks such as viewing information to writing text. Therefore, end user programs need to be user friendly and support a variety of platforms. With this property, a variety of users can use the gadgets with ease. These users may include patrons at a restaurant, a student in a classroom or a pilot.

Security Issues Related to Tablets

Is it easier to use Tablets PC, as it is to use Desktops with previous technologies, But with this ease come security concerns. Since the tablet has become a person's companion, it scares ancient minded individuals and IT security experts. There are security concerns related to downloading applications over the internet. There is a possibility of thieves accessing, and operating corporate, as well as personal accounts. There is a misplaced notion that the use of such devices provides a security problem. Individuals, on the other hand, worry that tablets are a threat to personal privacy. There are incidences where devices have been "hacked" and information stolen. Therefore, software solution companies have developed applications to discourage such attacks.

For instance, when one looks at the ipads inscriptions system one begins to realize that security…

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