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Sushi Went Global Sushi Is Term Paper

By the 1970s sushi was a proper fad in America, especially among the culturally elite, and by the 1990s, sushi was officially cool. The increased value of "aesthetics" in food presentation, as well as the appeal of healthy red-meat alternatives, led to the growth of sushi. From a consumer's point-of-view, sushi is among the most simplistic (and elegantly so) of dining choices. However, from an economical perspective, it is complex. Basing market values on the migratory patterns and life cycles of fish is not a fail proof economic plan. Variations on the environment, as well as ever-present battles between environmentalists, politicians and policy, local fishermen, and big fishing conglomerates (in varying combinations and often changing sides) will wind up deciding the cost of the sushi rolls on the consumer's...

A single fishingnet's worth of tuna may be millions of dollars, and if something were to happen to that group of fish to prevent it from reaping the most profit, the entire world fish market can be affected drastically. One example of this is an instance mentioned in the article where 800 fish suffocated overnight in a Spanish fishing net.
My opinion? Let the fish swim free in the ocean and indulge yourself in the pleasures of a cucumber roll platter... Or better yet the original "Monkey Roll" creation of the Tokyo Rose restaurant in Charlottesville, Virginia: Avocado, Kiwi, Banana, Mango, Rice, Seaweed wrap, and Sesame seeds. Drink some hot green tea, get a head rush from a mouth full of wasabi, and forget about the economy for a few brief moments. That's what sushi's all about. Yum.

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