Oppression and lack of representation still occur as do more subtle marginalizing tactics on the part of the favored government. Secrecy and fear still abound in the nation, as do economic and social hardships that are difficult to overcome.
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Mahgoub El-Tigani, "The Sudan -- Contested National Identities," Arab Studies Quarterly (ASQ) 23.2 (2001): 111, Questia, 23 Sept. 2007 http://www.questia.com/PM.qst?a=o&d=5001036042.
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Mahgoub El-Tigani, "The Sudan -- Contested National Identities," Arab Studies Quarterly (ASQ) 23.2 (2001): 111, Questia, 23 Sept. 2007 http://www.questia.com/PM.qst?a=o&d=5001036042.
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Francis M. Deng, "Egypt's Dilemmas on the Sudan," Middle East Policy4.1 & 2 (1995): 50, Questia, 23 Sept. 2007 http://www.questia.com/PM.qst?a=o&d=95248133.
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Abdel Salam Sidahmed, and Alsir Sidahmed, Sudan (New York: Routledge, 2004) 28, Questia, 23 Sept. 2007 http://www.questia.com/PM.qst?a=o&d=108861694.
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Jeffrey a. Lefebvre, "Post-Cold War Clouds on the Horn of Africa: the Eritrea-Sudan Crisis," Middle East Policy4.1 & 2 (1995): 35, Questia, 23 Sept. 2007 http://www.questia.com/PM.qst?a=o&d=95248110.
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Tim Niblock, "The Regional and Domestic Political Consequences of Sanctions Imposed on Iraq, Libya and Sudan," Arab Studies Quarterly (ASQ) 23.4 (2001), Questia, 23 Sept. 2007 http://www.questia.com/PM.qst?a=o&d=5000931496.
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Edgar O'Ballance, Sudan, Civil War and Terrorism, 1956-99 (Houndmills, England: Macmillan Press, 2000) 190, Questia, 23 Sept. 2007 http://www.questia.com/PM.qst?a=o&d=98835481.
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Edgar O'Ballance, Sudan, Civil War and Terrorism, 1956-99 (Houndmills, England: Macmillan Press, 2000) 95, Questia, 23 Sept. 2007 http://www.questia.com/PM.qst?a=o&d=98835386.
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Edgar O'Ballance, Sudan, Civil War and Terrorism, 1956-99 (Houndmills, England: Macmillan Press, 2000) 190, Questia, 23 Sept. 2007 http://www.questia.com/PM.qst?a=o&d=98835481.
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Donald Petterson, Inside Sudan: Political Islam, Conflict, and Catastrophe (Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 1999) 10, Questia, 23 Sept. 2007 http://www.questia.com/PM.qst?a=o&d=27160503.
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Edgar O'Ballance, Sudan, Civil War and Terrorism, 1956-99 (Houndmills, England: Macmillan Press, 2000) 190-191, Questia, 23 Sept. 2007 http://www.questia.com/PM.qst?a=o&d=98835482.
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Edgar O'Ballance, Sudan, Civil War and Terrorism, 1956-99 (Houndmills, England: Macmillan Press, 2000) 200, Questia, 23 Sept. 2007 http://www.questia.com/PM.qst?a=o&d=98835491.
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Edgar O'Ballance, Sudan, Civil War and Terrorism, 1956-99 (Houndmills, England: Macmillan Press, 2000) 203, Questia, 23 Sept. 2007 http://www.questia.com/PM.qst?a=o&d=98835494.
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Richard a. Lobban, "Abdel Salam Sidahmed and Alsir Sidahmed. Sudan: The Contemporary Middle East," Arab Studies Quarterly (ASQ) 28.2 (2006), Questia, 23 Sept. 2007 http://www.questia.com/PM.qst?a=o&d=5016901951.
A www.questia.com/PM.qst?a=o&d=5001036014
Carolyn Fluehr-Lobban, and Richard Lobban, "The Sudan since 1989: National Islamic Front Rule," Arab Studies Quarterly (ASQ) 23.2 (2001): 1, Questia, 24 Sept. 2007 http://www.questia.com/PM.qst?a=o&d=5001036014.
A www.questia.com/PM.qst?a=o&d=5001036034
Abdullahi a. Gallab, "The Insecure Rendezvous between Islam and Totalitarianism: The Failure of the Islamist State in the Sudan," Arab Studies Quarterly (ASQ) 23.2 (2001): 87, Questia, 23 Sept. 2007 http://www.questia.com/PM.qst?a=o&d=5001036034.
A www.questia.com/PM.qst?a=o&d=5001036026
Mahgoub El-Tigani, "Solving the Crisis of Sudan: The Right of Self-Determination vs. State Torture," Arab Studies Quarterly (ASQ) 23.2 (2001): 41, Questia, 23 Sept. 2007 http://www.questia.com/PM.qst?a=o&d=5001036026.
A www.questia.com/PM.qst?a=o&d=5000237994
Robin M. Williams, "The Sociology of Ethnic Conflicts: Comparative International Perspectives," Annual Review of Sociology, Questia, 23 Sept. 2007 http://www.questia.com/PM.qst?a=o&d=5000237994.
A www.questia.com/PM.qst?a=o&d=5000189501
Judy Mayotte, "Civil War in Sudan: The Paradox of Human Rights and National Sovereignty," Journal of International Affairs 47.2 (1994), Questia, 24 Sept. 2007 http://www.questia.com/PM.qst?a=o&d=5000189501.
A www.questia.com/PM.qst?a=o&d=5001036022
Richard Lobban, "Slavery in the Sudan since 1989," Arab Studies Quarterly (ASQ) 23.2 (2001): 31, Questia, 24 Sept. 2007 http://www.questia.com/PM.qst?a=o&d=5001036022.
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