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Student Retention And Attrition Student Research Paper

• Lack of parental support.

(Arnold, 1999).

3. Main Factors Affecting Retention and Attrition

Many of the central factors affecting retention and attrition have already been discussed above. As was referred to, preparation is a central factor that was found to be significant across demographic boundaries and especially among various ethnic groups. This refers to social, emotional as well as academic preparedness. Academic preparedness is noted in the literature as being of cardinal importance in continuing to the second year of study: "…those students with higher ACT scores were more likely to return for the second year" ( McDaniel and Graham, 2001).

Motivation and high academic goals were also seen as a primary factor in retention and student persistence. Other factors were monetary constraints that prevented continuation, as well as the important issue of social acceptance and involvement. This last factor was found to play an important part in attrition. Student involvement and engagement, as well as a sense of belonging, were shown in the literature to be important considerations (What Keeps Students in One Place? Study Examines Factors in Student Retention). As has been discussed, gender and ethnicity also influences retention rates in different ways. The difference between resident and local student status was also an influencing factor (What Keeps Students in One Place? Study Examines Factors in Student Retention).

A partial example of these factors can be seen in an Ohio study which found that "Personal adjustment reasons, cost and financial aid, and negative campus experiences were identified from a list of 48 potential reasons, as the reasons that influenced their decision to leave Ohio University" (First-Year Student Attrition at Ohio University 2003-04 to 2004-05…). The same study also found that "Stayers reported having more engagement and more frequent academically-oriented contacts with faculty than leavers"( First-Year Student Attrition at Ohio University 2003-04 to 2004-05…).

4. Solutions

Central to the above discussion is the fact that there are many variables and factors that come into play when considering attrition and retention- and that each institution differs in some aspects. This makes developing consistent and universally applicable solutions to this problem extremely difficulty.

On the other hand, there are some solutions that have been shown to have general application. One of these is developmental and remedial courses, which have been shown to better prepare the student for continuation and to help with aspects such as self-confidence and self-esteem, which reduces attrition.

This view is evident in the literature. There is a general consensus that initiatives such as early outreach programs aimed at developing students' academic competencies before admission to college and university, can significantly reduce attrition levels. Other programs, such as orientation programs, can help to "… ease the transition to college that contain academic strategies, social support, and information about campus life" (College Student Retention).

It has also been found that first-semester courses that continue orientation and provide support and information about campus and freshmen interest groups are extremely helpful. An important factor that has also been found to useful in retention is the implementation of academic skills development, such as basic skills, time management, tutoring, and course-specific skills (College Student Retention).

In the final analysis, there is probably no single or simple program that any one institution can promote that will solve the problem of attrition. However, what is also clear from the literature is that there many programs and initiatives that can help to increase retention and reduce attrition and that further research is needed in this field.

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Rounds, J.C. (1984) Attrition and Retention of Community College Students: Problems

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van Stolk et al. ( 2007) Student Retention in Higher Education Courses: International

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What Keeps Students in One Place? Study Examines Factors in Student Retention.

Retrieved from

Sources used in this document:

Arnold a. ( 1999) Retention and Persistence in Postsecondary Education: A

Summation of Research Studies. Retrieved from

Assessing the Student Attrition Problem. ERIC Digest. (1984) Retrieved from

College Student Retention. Retrieved from
(Freshman) Student Withdrawal at Ohio University. Retrieved from
Historically Black Colleges and Universities . NATIONAL JOURNAL for PUBLISHING and MENTORING DOCTORAL STUDENT RESEARCH, 3(1). Retrieved from
College's Developmental Education Program. ( Abstract) Retrieved from
Landgraf E. ( 2010) Student Exodus?: Despite increase in singles, retention rate steady. Retrieved from
Institution. College Student Journal, March, 2001. Retrieved from;col1
Robst J., Keil J., and Russo D. ( 1998) the effect of gender composition of faculty on student retention. Economics of Education Review, 17(4) pp. 429-439. Retrieved from
Retention-Attrition in the Nineties. ERIC Digest. Retrieved from
Student Retention. Retrieved from
Comparison. Rand Corporation. Retrieved from
Retrieved from
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