Strong Females in Three Works
The female protagonist in George Bernard Shaw's play Pygmalion is Eliza Doolittle, and she begins her character development from a position of such awkward crudeness, sassiness and social weakness that she has a long, long way to go before she becomes a strong female. This makes her rise into feminism and womanhood and strength all the more dramatic. From rags to riches in a modest sense describes her ascension. She begins the story as a flower girl with terrible speech patterns is bumped into and her flowers fall into the mud.
The interest shown in Eliza at the outset of the play is simply because Henry Higgins, professor of phonetics, wishes to teach her proper spoken English. Eliza is a rebellious young woman, who shows her antisocial side by refusing to pay the taxi fare in the first act. That fact notwithstanding, Eliza shows great interest in becoming more adept at speaking. Well, what Eliza envisions is being able to make more sophisticated conversation with customers at her flower shop, which is a humble yet impressive goal for an uneducated, poor-mannered, but potentially attractive and socially well-adjusted young girl.
Once Eliza has been taught to speak in more appropriate ways, the next problem that Eliza has to overcome to become a strong, able, respected woman in society is to work on the substance of what she is going to say.
The play's directions clearly show her transition from an unkempt flower girl to a lovely young woman with style. At the opening of Act I, she wears a "little sailor hat of black straw that has long been exposed to the dust and soot of London" (Shaw, p. 116). Her "mousy" colored hair is "badly" in need of washing; her coat is "shoddy" and her boots are "much worse for wear" (p. 116). Her teeth are bad and "compared to the ladies she is very dirty" (p. 116). By Act III Eliza is "exquisitely dressed" and makes an impression of "such remarkable distinction and beauty" when she walks into Mrs. Higgins' room that they...
Pygmalion Effect and the Strong Women Who Prove it Wrong Make this fair statue mine…Give me the likeness of my iv'ry maid (Ovid). In Metamorphoses X, Ovid's Pygmalion prays that his idealized statue will become real. Strong female characters were a threat to Victorian sensibilities. Like the Pygmalion character in Ovid's Metamorphoses X, males in the Victorian age created ivory-like stereotypes of the ideal woman. In late nineteenth and in early
1960, the world of women (especially American women) was limited in very many aspects, from the workplace to family life. American women who were employed in 1960 were largely restricted to jobs such as being nurses, teachers or secretaries. Women were in general not welcome in professional fields. Friedan's work, The Feminine Mystique, captured and detailed the lives of quite a number of housewives from across the United States
Self-esteem and Academic/Intellectual Performance The research on the relationship between self-esteem and intellectual performance places has a lot of emphases on the gap of achievement, and is concerned with identifying factors that bring about differential intellectual results among other categories of gender. According to Antonio (1999) much focus has been given in eliminating the gap between intellectualachievement in the academic life of various male and female students across the world.
Applying Leadership Theory to Leadership Practice In this paper the writer researches and writes a literature review on a Applying Leadership Theory to Leadership Practice. The research paper is a comprehensive thematic review of the scholarly literature related to the topic. The leadership theories to focus on are: Path-Goal Theory; Leader-Member Exchange (LMX) Theory; Psychodynamic Approach Theory; outcome and situational leadership; Leadership focused on effectiveness and productivity; Leadership and Body language;
Henry Fielding's Joseph Andrews The protagonists of Henry Fielding's novels would appear to be marked by their extreme social mobility: Shamela will manage to marry her master, Booby, and the "foundling" Tom Jones is revealed as the bastard child of a serving-maid and Squire Allworthy himself, just as surely as Joseph Andrews is revealed to be the kidnapped son of Wilson, who himself was "born a gentleman" (Fielding 157). In fact
This, he says, is a big challenge considering the fact that all team members along with the top management come from different cultural backgrounds. Polley and Ribbens (1998) in their pioneering research assert that team wellness has got to be tackled in order to create high performance teams. The challenges that need to be over come have been thoroughly researched. The most commonly found problems are: lack of commitment and
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