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Strategic Management And Strategic Competitiveness In Coca Essay

Strategic Management and Strategic Competitiveness in Coca Cola Company Assess how globalization and technology changes have affected the Coca Cola Company

Technology and globalization are part of the mechanistic avenues that have played a critical role in the growth and development of Coca Cola Company. Technology is a lucrative avenue of the entity that has contributed to changes in the global business and organizational performance. In most institutions and places of work, technological applications have upraised the general procedures and execution duties that are found within the available measures of performance. In order to have a genuine and a competitive scale in the market, Coca Cola Company has embraced advancement in technological production. Through technology, the company has managed to increase its trading avenues in the market.

For instance, the company has involved numerous technological approaches in marketing its products and services in the market. In order to have an equitable creation of awareness in the market, the company has managed to have collateral and advanced system of marketing. In such cases, the company has used the social media as a marketing avenue within its technological applications in the market. The company as realized the effectiveness and importance of having to deal with all the measures of production within the technological avenues in the modern market. These changes and influences have transformed the general pathways in which growth and development are done within the company (Hitt et al., 2011).

Coca Cola Company has advanced its production and success by engaging in global trends of production and presence in the market. Globalization is one of the basic strategies that are being advanced by the company in a bid to have a restoration in the modern and international market. For instance, Coca Cola Company is a global entity courtesy of its plans and strategies of being a global and competitive feature in the market. In order to have a genuine avenue of being...

The products are manufactured with the consent that they are global features that will be used by different people in the diverse world. Moreover, technological advancement and globalization have influenced productivity and genuine presence of Coca Cola Company in the market.
Apply the industrial organization model and the resource-based model to determine how your corporation could earn above-average returns.

The structure or organizational model being used by Coca Cola Company is subject to the nature and level of productivity in the market. For instance, Coca Cola Company has a global structure that runs with immediate and global influence in the market. The company has a collateral avenue of growing and developing its structure in the market. The immediate intention found within the company's production details is central to the entire avenues of production. For instance, Coca Cola Company has a large structure that covers every line of production starting from the local brands and quantitative measures to the global presence and influence in the market. The company has made use of the resource-based model in order to attain high standards of performance in the market. The basic mechanism behind the resource-based model is laid within the determining factors that are found within the goods and services realized from the company.

In order to have a figurative avenue of managing the available avenues of performance, Coca Cola Company has advanced its strategies to be in line with the resource-based model. With the use of this approach of performance, the company has lived within the preferred avenues of being successful and strong in the global market. The global awareness of Coca Cola Company products is immense. Moreover, the returns within the company have been rising above the set average because of the basic structure in the resource-based model. This model has been…

Sources used in this document:

Hitt, M.A., Hoskisson, R.E., & Ireland, R.D. (2013). Strategic management:

Competitiveness & globalization: cases. Mason, OH: South-Western, Cengage


Hitt, M.A., Ireland, R.D., & Hoskisson, R.E. (2011). Strategic management:
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