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Standards Of Behavior And The Term Paper

The American government's use of these normative values reflects not only their internal beliefs, but the beliefs of a larger community. Write Gleb and Roesnethal (2004), "These values are now widely shared around the world by different religions and cultures. Movements for democracy or justice for war crimes are no longer merely American or Western idiosyncrasies."

The widespread nature of the normative beliefs that guide American foreign policy make the use of normative power in the American foreign policy organization highly effective. This use of normative power that is already highly accepted within the worldwide community only aids members of the American government's foreign policy division to successfully "internalize organizational values which become their own and guide their behavior naturally" (Brunel University).

Microsoft demonstrates a strong and effective use of normative power within the organization. Writes Thielen (2000), "All Microsoft employees know in their gut what their primary goal is. And that is to win 100% of whatever market they are going after" (p. 10). Within Microsoft, both social and pure normative power are used to control employee behavior. The use of normative power in Microsoft is largely successful in creating cooperation within the company. Writes Thielen (2000), Microsoft managers know that "only by helping other groups as needed can the company achieve total domination"

Microsoft also incorporates a degree of coercive power into it management style, as well. While employees are often allowed considerable creative leeway in the company, there is never any doubt as to the company hierarchy and locus of power. Bill Gates and senior management strongly control company decisions and employee behaviors (Thielen, 2000). In this sense, then, Microsoft also has a coercive organizational power base. Essentially, this use of coercive power is largely effective, as...

At the same time, given that coercive power can result in anger, dislike, conspiracies, coalitions, and reduced intrinsic motivation (Brunel University), Microsoft's use of this type of power needs to be closely monitored.
In conclusion, Etienne's identification of coercive, normative, and calculative power provide a powerful way to understand organizational behavior. In particular, an understanding of these types of power shows why the use of coercive power is often ineffective in organizational change, while adopting normative power systems results in successful organizational change. The American government's foreign policy decisions reflect a successful use of normative power within a large organization. Similarly, Microsoft's use of normative power is highly effective, while the use of coercive power in the organization has both positive and potentially negative results.


Brunel University. Business Open Learning Archive. Etzioni and Systems of Organisational

Membership. 11 May 2005.

Etzioni, A. 1975. A comparative analysis of complex organizations. New York: Free Press.

Gelb, Leslie H. And Rosenthal, Justine A. The Rise of Ethics in Foreign Policy: Reaching a Values Consensus. July 22, 2004; 11:47 AM. 11 May 2005. http://www.amitai-

Thielen, D. 2000.The 12 Simple Secrets of Microsoft Management: How to Think and Act Like

a Microsoft Manager and Take Your Company to the Top. Mcgraw-Hill.

Villanova University. IT'S TIME "TO GO AND TAKE ON THE DAY." Improving

Management/Leadership Practice. 11 May 2005. ice/

Sources used in this document:

Brunel University. Business Open Learning Archive. Etzioni and Systems of Organisational

Membership. 11 May 2005.

Etzioni, A. 1975. A comparative analysis of complex organizations. New York: Free Press.
Gelb, Leslie H. And Rosenthal, Justine A. The Rise of Ethics in Foreign Policy: Reaching a Values Consensus. July 22, 2004; 11:47 AM. 11 May 2005. http://www.amitai- ice/
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