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Stakeholders In The Scenario The Stakeholders In Business Proposal

¶ … stakeholders in the scenario? The stakeholders in this case are the employees of Supernova Industries and their IT staff because their performance and effectiveness will be affected by the decision. The manager of my company is another important stakeholder because the decision will affect his success at increasing the business for the firm. Finally, I am an important stakeholder in this situation because my professional judgment and integrity will be affected by the decision taken in this case.

b) What are the facts in the scenario? Do not copy and paste the scenario. Rather, the facts should be a numbered list of summarized, relevant points.

Supernova Industries have contracted with us to develop a business system for them.

Their staff is supposed to take over the support function after the launch and training of the system.

According to my professional judgment, the Supernova team will not be able to handle the support function and will continue to depend on our company.

4. An alternative plan is available that will increase the budget but will save Supernova in payment for long-term support service.

5. This information has been communicated to my manager.

6. The manager prohibits me from making this recommendation to the client as not doing so would result in increased business in the long-term.

c) Which facts raise ethical concerns? Why?

The facts that raise the ethical concern include that my manager and me are in possession of information that could potentially influence the decision of our client, Supernova Industries, who have reposed faith in our professional judgment and services. Sharing the information with the clients will result in significant savings to them but a loss of potential revenue for our company. My manager, who has authority over me, has expressly forbidden me from sharing this information with the client.

d) What is the single major ethical dilemma...

Obeying my manager will allow me to save my job and likely to benefit from the increased business in the form of support services. However, it will also make me feel guilty and damage my credibility if the fact is revealed later on. Not obeying my manager might cost me a promotion, pay increase or even my job, but it will increase my professional credibility and will make me personally satisfied that I was honest with my client and had their best interests in mind.
e) What are the rights and duties of each of the stakeholders?

The rights of the client are to receive complete and accurate information that could potentially influence their decision to do business with our company. They have a right to expect us to make decisions in their best interest. They have a duty to pay us duly for our services as per the contractual terms. My manager has the right to allow or prevent me from taking any action that could affect the organization negatively. He has the duty to be obeyed by me. I have the right to exercise my professional judgment and be heard by my manager. I also have the duty to obey my manager unless he or she requires me to do something illegal.

f) What guidance (if any) does the Australian Computer Society's code of ethics provide in this situation?

The Australian Computer Society's Code of Ethics (ACS, 2012) describes six values that should guide my decision making. The first value states that the public interest is to take primacy over personal and business interest. The question arises whether the interest of the client is a business interest or a public interest. The second value requires me to take steps that will improve the quality of life of those affected by my work, including my manager, colleagues and my clients. The third and fourth steps require me to represent my…

Sources used in this document:

Australian Computer Society. (2012). ACS Code of Ethics. Accessed on 28 May 2012 from

Australian Computer Society. (2012). ACS Code of Professional Conduct. Accessed on 28 May 2012 from

Australian Government. (2012). Consumer and Competition Act 2010. Accessed on 28 May 2012 from

Coady, C.A.J., and Sampford, C.J.G. (1993). Business, Ethics and the Law. Federation Press.
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