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Speech Strategy Term Paper

21st century worker: Keeping employees motivated in a global economy Employee motivation is critical in today's hyper-competitive, global business world; as such it is an appropriate topic for the speech to be presented to Hongkong Electric Holdings. Please find following the brief for this presentation. In this brief you will find the many factors that were taken into consideration, in its preparation. These include the best approach for this specific audience, how the topic had to be developed and limited to again fit with this specific audience's needs, what cultural adaptations were made for this presentation, and what aspects of the speech will connect with the company.

The 21st century worker: Keeping employees motivated in a global economy


Employee motivation is critical in today's hyper-competitive, global business world; as such it is an appropriate topic for the speech to be presented to Hongkong Electric Holdings. Please find following the brief for this presentation. In this brief you will find the many factors that were taken into consideration, in its preparation. These include the best approach for this specific audience, how the topic had to be developed and limited to again fit with this specific audience's needs, what cultural adaptations were made for this presentation, and what aspects of the speech will connect with the company.

Audience/Topic Assessment:

According to Terrence Doyle (1997), to analyze and assess the audience, one must consider the demographics of the audience, including age, sex, religion, family status, sexual orientation, educational level, and socio-economic class, the psychographics of the audience, and the credibility that the speaker will have with the audience. The demographic study of this audience begins with the fact that it will be comprised of engineers. Hongkong Electric is a technical-oriented group, that primarily employees technical staff which includes "many disciplines, including architecture, civil, electrical, mechanical and electronic engineering." ("Recruitment," n.d.) Obviously, it will be an adult audience, and most will have attained a higher education degree. It can be surmised that a majority of members will be male, and of a higher socio-economic class on average, than if the speech...

Being an audience of engineers, they will also appreciate concrete plans they can implement for motivating their employees, as opposed to theoretical advice. This topic will be of particular interest to this group, as many are involved in the direct or indirect management of other employees, they are certain to find the topic of how to motivate their employees of value.

The topic of employee motivation has been well researched, and as such there is a plethora of information available. What will be of most interest to this audience will be the motivation of Asian employees. In addition, as they will typically be managing junior engineers, drafting staff, and other junior level professionals, discussion of higher-level motivators is most relevant. These factors were utilized to limit and develop the topic.

Speech Outline:


Employee motivation is critical to your business' success due to increased global competition

Money is not the only motivator, higher levels of motivation are much more effective


The speaker's unique qualifications that allow her to speak expertly on this topic

How Important Employee Motivation is to Hongkong Electric

Their business is technical, they need to hire and retain the best employees possible to remain competitive

The fields their employees are typically in are civil, architectural, mechanical, electrical, and electronic engineering. These are skilled workers that are not easily replaced if they are lost.

In addition, their individual productivity directly affects the company's competitiveness and profitability

Competition for top talent is not only local, or even national, but rather on an international scale. (Earle, 2003, p. 244)

Maslow's five levels of needs as motivators (Simmons & Drinnien, 1987)

Basic biological needs - food and shelter

Safety needs - both physical and mentally

Sense of belonging

Need for self-esteem

Need for self-actualization - doing what one was born…

Sources used in this document:

Doyle, T. (1997). Analyzing your audience. Retrieved June 1, 2004, at

Earle, H.A. (Dec. 2003). Building a workplace of choice: Using the work environment to attract and retain top talent. Journal of Facilities Management, 2(3). Retrieved June 1, 2004, from Business Source Premier database.

Recruitment. (No date). Retrieved June 1, 2004, at

Simons, J.A., Irwin, D.B., & Drinnien, B.A. "Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs." Psychology - The Search for Understanding. (1987). Retrieved June 1, 2004, at
Author, A.A., & Author, B.B. (Date of publication). Title of article. Title of journal, volume number (issue number if available). Retrieved month day, year, at http://Web address.
Author, A.A., & Author, B.B. (Date of publication). Title of article. Retrieved month date, year, at http://Webaddress.
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