Special Ed
Disproportionate Representation of Minorities in Special Education
Special Education is intended to function as a powerful resource for giving extra attention, assistance and educational resource to those with severe and irreparable learning deficiencies. However, there is also a danger that situational learning deficits may be perceived as deficiencies, leading to the incorrect classification of young students as special needs. Where improperly classified, the results to one's learning potential and academic advancement may be disastrous. This is why the disproportionately high representation of minorities in American special education contexts is so troubling. As the discussion here will show, this disproportion suggests that there may be some cultural, sociological and global forces that are responsible for an unequal placement of minorities in special education settings.
Current Theories:
One of the most compelling theories in circulation in the literature is that of the 'normal child.' As identified in the research by Ahram et al. (2011), this notion establishes a standard of academic proficiency that has clear roots on culturally driven perceptions of normalcy. According to the research by Ahram et al., the Normal Child Theory provides the explanation that minority students such as Latino and African-Americans are more systemically classified as special education candidates because they conflict with the conception of the 'normal child.' The is a theory of great importance as we attempt to better understand the reason for an unequal distribution of mintorities in special education settings. According to Ahram et al., "the overrepresentation of Black and Latino students in special education suggests a convergence of two distinct processes: (1) assumptions of cultural deficit that result in unclear or misguided conceptualizations of disability and (2) the subsequent labeling of students in special education through a pseudoscientific placement process." (Ahram et al., p. 1)
This suggests that ideas about the cultural predisposition of these minority groups toward learning deficiencies creates the burdensome self-fulfilling prophecy of low expectations. This means that, as a consequence of the 'normal child' construct, minority students aren't just disadvantaged in their learning opportunities but are also perceived as being the product of disadvantage. This impression can result in the undue relegation and detention of minority students to special education contexts.
This construct bears an interesting relationship with the construct of Disproportionality, which is explored in the research by Anyon (2009). Here, the research uses the sociological lens to investigate the idea that minority populations are disadvantaged in a host of ways that drive greater tendencies toward learning deficits. The article provides some important conceptual grounding, pointing out that "in 2001, more than half of the students in special education were identified as having a specific learning disability, more than any other disability that qualifies youth for such services. Since 1977, after special education categories such as 'culturally deprived' were eliminated, learning disabilities have constituted the fastest-growing special education population, particularly for students of color." (Anyon, p. 44)
Using the social mode theory to assess the relationship between minority status and disability classification, the article reveals argues that factors such as economic disadvantage, geographical context and degree of cultural isolation must be considered among numerous other factors in order to understand why minority populations struggle in comparison to culturally mainstream populations. This theory interacts with the 'normal child' construct in interesting ways. Particularly, one may suggest that many of the conditions which are found, through this sociological lens, to contribute to minority disadvantage are, through the scope of the 'normal child' theory, used to further justify the special education classification of minorities.
Another study which is particularly compelling is that which introduces a Global Theory into the discussion of minority over-representation in special education. The article by Gabel et al. (2009) proposes that the inequality of minority learning capabilities is not an isolated phenomenon but a global one brought on by the increasing growth of cross-border migration. Gabel et al. indicate that the growth of minority populations in special education contexts the world over is directly connected to immigration...
" According to Patton (1998) the overrepresentation of African-American children in special education programs that are intended for students that have serious emotional or behavioral disorders, learning disabilities, and mental disabilities has continued to be a problem even though many researchers have recognized the problems that have occurred as a result of such overrepresentation. In fact there is exhaustive amounts of literature that explains the "causal factors that range from failure
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Thus, efforts aimed at helping teachers to avoid harmful stereotyping of students often begin with activities designed to raise teachers' awareness of their unconscious biases." (1989) Cotton goes on the relate that there are specific ways in which differential expectations are communicated to students according to the work of: "Brookover, et al. (1982); Brophy (1983); Brophy and Evertson (1976); Brophy and Good (1970); Cooper and Good (1983); Cooper and
Thus, the relation between students is imperative for determining such disorders (Organization for Economic Co-Operation and Development, 2007). As with the previous two categories, this is seen as incredibly subjective in the idea that no medical diagnosis or visible physical symptoms are needed to be placed within the category. Stratification. Stratification is essentially the ranking of individuals within a hierarchy based on the structures present in a functioning society. Sullivan and
Special Education Since the introduction of PL-142 the Special education system has received both praise and criticism. Special Education Programs are an essential component to our educational system. The current special education system has aided many people but improvements are desperately needed as rates of enrollment increase and the number of special education teachers' decrease. The growth in the number of special education students is the topic of conversation among
African-American Children in Special Education Programs The large amount of minority children, specifically African-American children, who have ended up in special education programs for students who have learning disabilities, behavioral disabilities, emotional disabilities, or mental disabilities, has remained a very strong reality even though it has been recognized for more than 20 years (Townsend, Thomas, Witty, & Lee, 1996). After looking at many of these patterns and how often they
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