¶ … social structures exert a definite pressure upon certain persons in the society to engage in nonconformist rather than conformist conduct," (Merton, 1938, p. 672). With his own italics emphasizing the stress and strain that social structures can produce in the individual, Robert Merton outlines the basis of strain and stress theories. Stress is a natural part of life; it is how people cope with stress or react to it that matters most. Individual differences in background, situational variables, and also personality and psychological traits can also impact how people deal with stress and respond to stressors. However, some people will naturally encounter more stressors and more strain than others. Merton and other sociologists who recognized the value of strain theory showed how poverty and other structural variables cause stress and strain, and can often be the cause for behavioral problems including criminality. Yet once a person has been labeled a "deviant," a "nonconformist," or a "criminal," it can be harder than ever before to mitigate stress. Labeling theory suggests that social stigmas add an additional layer of stress or strain, compounding preexisting problems like poverty or abuse.
Stress theory explains how different people deal with stress differently. There are several approaches and applications for stress theory. One is to focus on the critical and stressful life events, such as a death of a loved one, job change, or divorce. These are life events that most people encounter, and by recognizing that a stressful life event has occurred, the person or people affected can work to maximize their resources and coping strategies (McLeod, 2010). Stress theory also addresses the chronic strains that some members of the population do experience, including poverty, racism, or stigma. Chronic strain is much different from stressful life events, which are one-time situations. Chronic strain is experienced every day, and can be especially dangerous. Finally, stress theory shows that coping resources are unequally distributed in the population. Poor people will have less access to mental health resources, for example. Crucial to understanding stress theory is recognizing the role that coping mechanisms and adaptations play in mitigating stress. People who have access to a strong social support system, or who have access to mental health counseling, might be able to cope with sudden stress such as critical life events. Others might resort to adaptations such as using drugs.
Structural strain refers to Merton's analysis of social deviance based on external or situational variables, social hierarchies and power structures in particular. Deviance is framed as a response to social strain, experienced mainly as individuals feel frustrated at being unable to achieve upward social mobility or extricate themselves from poverty (Agnew & Scheuerman, 2015). However, poverty is not the only cause of social strain. Any instance in which a person does not live up to societal norms might experience strain. Generally, though, strain theory focuses on deviant or criminal behaviors as being adaptations to role conflict and other problems associated with unequal power distribution in the society. Social structures determine many types of power, including patriarchal power in which women are systematically disenfranchised, or economic power, in which the rich can more easily find access to the means to make more money whereas the poor lack the social, cultural, or financial capital to invest in their future.
Labeling theory is also critical for understanding deviant or criminal behavior. Early labeling theorists recognized the important difference between individuals who commit one-time crimes or occasionally act in deviant manners, and those whose behavior is more chronic. Labeling theory can account for the differences between these two types of people. If a person does not have a self-concept as someone who is deviant, then he or she may be less likely to repeat criminal or deviant behaviors. On the other hand, a person who has been labeled as "bad" or a "criminal" might internalize that into the self-concept and start behaving in ways that conform to that identity ("Labeling Theory," n.d.). Tertiary deviance is a psychological extension of secondary deviance, whereby the person starts to not only identify with being "a criminal," but also ceases to buy into the social norms that censure criminal behavior. The person starts to justify deviant or criminal behavior by claiming that what they are doing is either not wrong at all or even beneficial. In other cases, the person might use clever tactics to manipulate their behavior to make it seem normal, which might happen in cases involving white collar crimes. Tertiary deviance might also describe the rationalities and justifications...
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