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Soccer S Meaning Of Game

¶ … Soccer The game that is selected for analysis in this assignment is soccer. The message of this game is that a concerted effort among disparate players (the notion of a team) is required to achieve success. That success, of course, is realized when one team is able to score more goals than the other at the conclusion of the game. However, to achieve this objective, it is necessary for 11 players to coalesce their efforts, strategy, and skills so that they can accomplish this goal. In this respect, soccer sends the message that teamwork is required for success. This message is demonstrated in many different areas of life, from family values to corporate ones pertaining to the idea that companies are merely teams that require the assistance of the individuals that comprise them.

One of the capital ways in which it is revealed that soccer is a team sport that supports the notion of teamwork as a value throughout different areas of life is in the different positions in this sport. Although there are 11 players on the field, not all of them perform the same functions and contribute to a soccer team in the same way. Some players are distinctly concerned with preventing the other team from scoring goals. These players include the goalies and other defenders, such as fullbacks. Still other players are concerned with scoring goals. These players include...

Other players are tasked with helping in both of these endeavors, and generally include midfielders.
Another aspect of soccer that reveals that its primary message is in promoting a sense of teamwork is found in the various set plays that coaches utilize. Certain scenarios in soccer call for the formulation and implementation of set plays. For instance, kickoffs, corner kicks, direct kicks, and indirect kicks are frequently accompanied by rehearsed, set pieces on the part of the team that has the ball. Teamwork is essential to completing these plays successfully. Furthermore, if completed successfully these plays can result in goals and direct attacks on the other team's goal -- which is the primary objective of this sport, other than facilitating teamwork.

Lastly, the final aspect of soccer that reveals that it is truly about teamwork is the fact that the game is played with a degree of spontaneity in which players can actually transcend their positions at times. For examples, there are moments when it is extremely advantageous to have players take on responsibilities that are not typical to their positions. On corner kicks it is not uncommon to see tall, staunch defenders surge forward to the other team's goal, anticipating a high cross for an opportunity for a header. Similarly, there are times when a team's defender (who…

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