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Sleep Deprivation And Sleep Case Study

Restless Leg Syndrome A simple way to define Restless legs syndrome (RLS) is an overpowering urge to move limbs, especially the legs that mostly take place when relaxing or during bedtime. This neural disorder is a major causative factor of nighttime blood pressure spikes and its associated circulatory consequences which reduces sleep quality and in some cases even eliminates the possibility of sleep. This sleep deprivation causes adverse effects such as nervousness, perpetual sadness and reduced comfort of living. Patients initially suffering from hemodialysis that develops RLS have a much higher death rate. In most cases, they suffer from disorders that are difficult to explain. This paper's objective is to educate medical personnel on the need to understand and make deductions from the patient's signs, which are the factors considered and from which a conclusion is made if a patient has RLS or some other disorder (Einollahi & Izadianmehr, 2014).

Restless Leg Syndrome is a serious problem that could greatly reduce one's standard of living. Lots of substances have successfully cured or mitigated RLS, such as ropinirole, pramipexole, rotigotine, and gabapentin enacarbil, which are all FDA approved. It is important nonetheless to consider the advantages, the serious side effects and the lasting effects of drugs aimed at curing RLS (Comella, 2014).


The subject patient suffers disturbing feelings in both legs that exacerbate at night. Subject considers the situation regular and detached for ADL. Subject patient is taking low salt/ low sodium diet as instructed. Subject has suffered from Hypertension and currently suffers from hyperlipidemia. Subject's father died from Hx of Hyperlipidemia, HTN, while subject's mother still lives, but suffers from fibromyalgia. Subject is a parent of two sons who have no health issues.

Restless leg syndrome (RLS) is a nerve condition typically accompanied by symptoms such as vibrating, stretching and other...

These unpleasant feelings are more prevalent when the subject is calm and at bedtime. When the legs are moved, the patient enjoys a moment of respite. These symptoms referred to as paresthesias (uncommon feelings) or dysesthesias (painful uncommon feelings) spans from unpleasant to annoying to agonizing. The funniest part of this disorder is that it is trigged by lying down and resting, thus almost all patients find it difficult sleeping or experiencing good sleep qualit which is what our subject also complains about. If not immediately taken care of, RLS causes general weakness and tiredness during the day. Several RLS patients complain that the disorder has influenced their occupation, personal life and general daily activities due to its associated sleep problems. Difficulty in concentration, dullness of memory and difficulty in doing normal daily activities are the problems faced by RLS patient which are some of the things out subject is also complaining bout. Travelling is also affected and it could lead to depression (NINDS, 2010)

RLS has no particular test, however, it can be identified in these four ways:

• Problems are prevalent during bedtime and disappears in the morning;

• Irresistible desire to move diseased legs or arms, a situation commonly accompanied by paresthesias or dysesthesias;

• Pains initiated when at rest, relaxing or asleep; and • Pains that are reduced when the legs are moved and doesn't resurface until the movement stops.

The doctor paid great attention on the subject's/patient's account of signs, causative and relieving actions and whether problems were prevalent or rare during the day. Bodily and nerve tests combined with details form the patient's clinical history and present medications also proved useful. Rate of occurrence, length of occurrence and sharpness of associated pains together with its relation to sleep, sleep deprivation or productivity during the day were the questions posed to the patient. Other possible conditions were dismissed via lab examinations like blood tests which show iron and vitamin shortages and other body conditions related to RLS. A possible scenari tested was the identification of other reasons for sleep problems (such as sleep apnea) by carrying out sleep assessment such as polysomnography (an examination based on a person's brain waves, heart rate, respiration, and limb movements…

Sources used in this document:

Allen, R., Chen, C., & Garcia-Borreguero, D. (2014). Comparison of pregabalin with pramipexole for restless legs syndrome. N Engl J. Med, 370(7), 621-31.

Comella, C. L. (2014). Treatment of Restless Legs Syndrome. Neurotherapeutics, 11(1), 177-87.

Einollahi, B., & Izadianmehr, N. (2014). Restless Leg Syndrome: A Neglected Diagnosis. Nephrourol Mon, 6(5).

Gangadharan, S., Perkins, L., Sauerbier, A., & Chaudhuri, K. R. (2016). The treatment challenges of restless legs syndrome. Prescribing In Practice.
NINDS. (2010, September). Restless Legs Syndrome Fact Sheet. Retrieved from National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke:
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