Self-Directed Learning Activities -- December
Self-Directed Learning Activities Recording Sheet
Student Dianisia White Term Fall 2010 Date: December 14, 2010
Tracking Sheet
Date of Activity
Duration of Activity
Relevant Quadrant
Met with Justice Manager with Miawpukek First Nation
Quadrant A, B & C
Healing Circle -- Pre-charge for people in conflict with the law.
Quadrant A, B, C, D
Met Director of Health & Social Services & the community social worker with Miawpukek First Nations regarding mental health
Quadrant A, B, & C
Attended Miawpukek First Nation Annual General Assembly -- (Emphasis on Justice; Health & Social Services)
Quadrant A, B, C, D
Nov 20/10
Viewed Documentary "Kanehsatake 270 Years of Resistance" regarding the 1990 armed standoff of a small group of Mohawk Indians in Kanehsatake Canada.
Quadrant A
Nov 24/10
Viewed Documentary "Griefwalker" 2008 about a counsellor who counsels patients on how to accept death willingly without the fear, grief and anguish that many dying patients experience
2 hours
Quadrant A, B, C, & D
Total hours for term
19.5 hours
Date of Activity: October 20, 2010
Name & Brief Description of Activity: Met with Justice Manager of Miawpukek First Nation.
Duration of Activity: 8:30am to 10am @1.5 hours
Relevant Quadrant: Quadrant A, B & C
Head Heart and Hand Critical Reflection:
What I learned from Tthis meeting is revealed to me that the Miawpukek First Nation (MFN) desires their community to have a greater role in defining problems, developing approaches, reaching decisions, and then implementing those decisions. MFN has some experience in community justice, as they currently; they have two-tier process for dealing with community offences; 1) a pre-charge and 2) a post charge. The first process involves a healing journey. From the time the individual is seen to have commitsted an offence and takes ownership of his actions, he makes application to the Justice Committee. The application involves the individual making an offering to a respected elder, it involves the individual and outlining establishing actions that can be taken possible things he feels he can do to make right the situation his behaviour created (his plan of care). The Justice Committee then reviews and accepts his application. A Healing Circle is organised whereby both the victim and offender can attend including their support persons. Upon completion the individual enters into an agreement of honour with the terms drawn from the consensus of the Healing Circle. There is a time restriction to complete the terms of his agreement, should he fail to do so, formal criminal charges are laidmade.
The second process involves the laying of charges and goes before a Provincial Court system. The individual has to accept responsibility and after a guilty plea, can request a sentencing circle.
The individual and his supporters, the investigators, the Crown, the judge can all sit in the circle. This forum allows all participants to determine the appropriate sentence for the individual.
What feelings were invoked with regard to this activity? I experienced tremendous feelings of pride, respect and awe as to howin this community's can ability to develop a program based on their own cultural values. To The use of terms like such as "person harmed," "person in conflict with the law," "agreement of honour" as opposed to victim, offender and disposition/sentence, really sets this apart as a community owned, community developed, and community driven process. MFN has a community-based justice model that addresses the weakness inherent in the current provincial system, builds upon Mi'kmaq customs, traditions, instills greater self-governance, and is totally accountable.
How might I apply learning and feelings associated with this activity?
Community supports are extremely important in determining the success or failure of many intervention programs. However, intervention must be offered on an ongoing and long-term basis if it is to be effective. From a social work perspective, I think it'is important that I remember this and when working with First Nation communities, the key is to only support their "own" development of community-based solutions, not try to "fix" them.
Date of Activity: October 20, 2010
Name & Brief Description of Activity: Met with Director of Health & Social Services & and the community social worker with Miawpukek First Nations regarding mental health services in the community.
Duration of Activity: 10 AM to 12 noon @2 hours
Relevant Quadrant: Quadrant A, B, C
Head Heart...
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So, self-directed learning is not ideal for people who are high on anxiety. Similarly, people who are high on extroversion tend to be less successful in self-directed learning because their gregarious nature requires them to be in a group and interact with other kinds of people. So, this solitary kind of learning may not be very acceptable for them. These studies performed by different researchers have established a firm
15). The policy implications of adopting such a model are profound, given that they suggest that merely removing barriers such as childcare demands or providing transportation may not be enough to deter individuals from their psychological motivational obstacles to enhancing their learning, and that the decision to embark upon and continue an educational program is highly subjective. In the cost-benefit theory, variables that affect decisions and motivational levels are tuition,
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