¶ … Service Providers on Special student Achievement
Students all over the world face the problem of getting low grades in their educational career. There are various factors which play a significant role in student achievement. Certain entities which play a role in student achievement includes, but not limited to, ELL teachers, counselors, occupational therapists, speech therapists and physical therapists. For the purpose of this study, we have selected Sto-Lo Youth Healing Centre as our sample school. It is located in New York district 75 Mission with excellent systems and processes for special/gifted students. It is located in British Columbi (Eastern Fraser-Valley). In this research, we have analyzed the roles played by these service providers and its impact on special student achievement. For the purpose of this study, we have selected case study methodology in which interviews of special students and ELL teachers, counselors and other service providers is analyzed to reach an authentic conclusion.
Table of Contents
Rationale of the Study
Research Questions
Research Background
Significance of the Study
Literature Review
Research Design
Data & Data Collection Process
Data Analysis
Limitations & Delimitations
Impact of Service Providers (Counselors, Physical Therapists, Occupational Therapists, Speech Therapists and ELL Teachers) on Special student Achievement
A significant percentage of special students in secondary public schools fail to maintain minimum academic standards, placing them in academic jeopardy and increasing the likelihood that they will drop out of the very institutions designed to prepare them to fully participate in an ever-increasing competitive world (Land & Legters, 2002; LeCompte & Dworkin, 1991; McPartland, Balfanz, Jordan, & Legters, 2002). In many instances, failure to meet academic standards has little to do with inherent abilities. Rather, there are a number of other factors outside the control of the special student, and schools for that matter, which negatively affect special student academic performance. Minority status, low socio-economic conditions, lack of parental involvement, ineffective parenting skills, lowered expectations for academic performance, stressful home life, drug or alcohol abuse in the home, and low parental educational levels are just a few of the indicators that may place a special student at risk of failing to meet minimum academic standards (DeBlois, 1989; Gibson, 1997; Goodlad, 1984).
Rationale of the Study
The rationale of this study was to explore role of ELL teachers, counselors, occupational therapist, speech therapist & physical therapist among low-performing special students and high-performing special students from Cedar Valley School and teachers' perceptions of providing support to their special students (Creswell, 1998). In doing so, this study attempts to lend empirical validity to Starratt's (2004) model of the ethics of responsibility, authenticity, and presence.
ELL teachers are uniquely situated to provide the common thread of support to their special students which impacts special student academic achievement (Scales, Benson, & Mannes, 2002). There is a paucity of literature, however, that explores role of ELL teachers, counselors, occupational therapist, speech therapist & physical therapist and the relationships those service providers may have with self-efficacy, motivation to support mastery and goal attainment, and ultimately on academic achievement and special student success.
Research Questions
This qualitative study addressed the following questions:
1. What is the role of ELL teachers, counselors, occupational therapist, speech therapist & physical therapist in improving special student achievement?
2. What are the service provider's perceptions of role of ELL teachers, counselors, occupational therapist, speech therapist & physical therapist of their special students?
3. What are the service provider's strategies for providing support to their special students?
Research Background
Recalling Starratt (1991), the ethic of service requires educational service providers to acknowledge a professional responsibility to recognize the unique needs of individual special students and to take action with respect to meeting those unique needs. To do so requires a commitment to others (Oster & Hamel, 2003), especially to those who are least like us. Mayeroff (1995) asserts that by serving we must be aware of the other person's needs and requirements and then to act on his or her behalf.
The concept of service requires that an important distinction be made between serving for and serving about another human being. To serve about another person not only means making a commitment to ones own responsibility, but it also requires the service provider to step out of his or her comfort zone and be willing to make sacrifices; in short, it requires action (Beck, 1994; Oster & Hamel, 2003).
To help develop this sense of self, Starratt...
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