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Self-Concept The Concept Of One's Thesis

If he has good self-concept, he will see the feedback as a chance to weigh things, improve self and deepen his self-understanding. However, if he has otherwise, he may not accept the feedback, feel bad about it and possibly even refuse to recognize the experience and/or the person/s involved in it. This denial to address the event may ultimately cause social and individual stagnation. The interplay of self-concept and emotions affect one's self-esteem. Poor self-concept results to a low aspiration in achieving things which when confronted may lead to emotions like anxiety, humiliation or self-deprecation. These feelings, if not addressed, will consequently lower self-esteem and undesirably lessen one's outlook of self and life. As Mecca (1989) explained:

"For persons with high self-esteem, shame is painful but not overwhelming. Such persons have sufficient experiences of pride in their lives that they can usually manage the shame they experience. [But] Persons with low self-esteem appear to lack sufficient experiences of pride to be able to manage shame; for them, shame is a calamity, to be avoided at all costs. When it cannot be avoided, its effects are often disruptive or even catastrophic."

One's Self and Behavior and how it Affects His Self-Presentation

The 4th edition of the American Heritage Dictionary defined Behavior as "the actions or reactions of a person or animal in response to external or internal stimuli." To explain the relationship between self-concept and behavior, Milliken (1998) said that "behavior is an accurate indicator of one's self-concept." To illustrate, timidity may reflect uncertainty and expression of own view may show confidence.

The two aspects of an individual above affect how...

If his behavior is in line with his self-concept, a promotion of his integrity results which enhances the way he sees and presents himself. However, if the two do not agree, like him believing he is virtuous but doing otherwise, the inconsistency may eventually confront him and his self-presentation may get affected.
As a whole, one's self-concept is a key determinant in his development as a person and as a member of the society. His understanding and acceptance of self will govern his interaction and engagement in relationships. He must to work towards discovery of self to eventually grow old with integrity and self-worth.


Craighead, E., & Nemeroff, C. (2001). The Corsini Encyclopedia of Psychology and Behavioral Science (3rd Ed.). U.S.: New York John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Milliken, M.E. (1998). Understanding Human Behavior: A Guide for Health Care Providers. (p. 74). Albany: Delmar Health Care Publishing.

Lewis, J.P. (2000). The Project Manager's Desk reference: A comprehensive Guide to Project Planning, Scheduling, Evaluation and Systems. (pp. 373-374). New York: McGraw-Hill Professional.

London, M. (1999). Principled Leadership & Business Diplomacy: Values-Based Strategies for Management Development. (p. 84). Westport, Conn.: Quorum Books.

Brown, D. (2002). Career Choice & Development. Jossey-Bass Business & Management Series. (p. 18)

US: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Mecca, A.M. (1989). The Social Importance of Self-Esteem. (p. 178) Berkeley, California: University of California Press.

The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language (2000). (4th Ed.). Houghton Mifflin Company.

Sources used in this document:
reference: A comprehensive Guide to Project Planning, Scheduling, Evaluation and Systems. (pp. 373-374). New York: McGraw-Hill Professional.

London, M. (1999). Principled Leadership & Business Diplomacy: Values-Based Strategies for Management Development. (p. 84). Westport, Conn.: Quorum Books.

Brown, D. (2002). Career Choice & Development. Jossey-Bass Business & Management Series. (p. 18)

US: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Mecca, A.M. (1989). The Social Importance of Self-Esteem. (p. 178) Berkeley, California: University of California Press.
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