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School Parking Hello, Mr. Martinez. Term Paper

Inadequate attempts to keep students without decals from occupying spaces - 6,750 (15%) 4. Dim marking lines-1,800 (4%)

As you can see from the above information, a disproportionate amount of individuals attribute the parking inconvenience to simple lack of spaces. The university can easily rectify these results by renovating current parking garages to accommodate more parking, create space to develop more parking, or enhance the public transportation system on campus. Figure 3 below indicate that the latter option may be very viable in regards to cost over the long-term.

Figure 3: Effect of Potential Improvements to Public Transportation

Members of the FID community were asked about their feelings towards public transportation; individuals were able to check more than one category:

Increased perceptions of safety 4,932 (28%)

Improved cleanliness 852 (5%)

Reduced commute times 7,285 (41%)

Greater convenience: fewer transfers 3,278 (18%)

Greater convenience: more stops 1,155 (6%)

In many instances they value shorter compute times, lower fares and safety. In regards to commute time, by enhance the public transportation system, overall commute times will be shorter. The University of Florida is a great pilot case in regards to commute times. They too, have a very large student population, similar in scale to that of FIU. However, their public transportation is vastly better with average wait times for buses ranging 5 to 12 minutes. As such, students rely heavily on public transportation rather than driving to school. This helps alleviate the need for cost parking garage construction, while also enabling students to arrive on campus in a timely manner. FIU is growing very rapidly and at some point will need an enhanced public transportation system. Investing in the infrastructure now, will indeed be costly. However, overtime,…

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