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Saint John The Evangelist By Essay

Recently, culture has ascribed more importance to the personal psychology of authors of poetry and novels, for example, more so than scientific texts, even though in the ancient world claiming authorship of scientific works was deemed important. This indicates that how we understand an author is a social production, not something inherent to the notion of 'the text.' Foucault's point is manifested in the fact that it is only relatively recent in Western culture that texts have not been anonymously created, as they were during the era of Beowulf. Additionally, only since the enforcement of stricter copyright laws have texts become legally 'guarded' products. Another shift in the notion of authorship may be likewise occurring in the era of the Internet, after Foucault wrote, where authorship is often anonymous and uncertain. Foucault...

However, the problem of religious art raises the question: how can art be Biblically canonical and sanctified if, through images, it adds to the narrative of the original authors? Any rendition by the author of a Biblical creation is, to some extent,

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