1. What is a franchising arrangement? And how is this reflective of business expansion? Moreover, how does this support business growth? From HighBeam Business, these key-terms set the stage from here on out:
MLA: Pondent, Corr S. "About Reacquired Franchise Rights" (29 December 2010). Highbeam Business: Money. eHow. Demand Media, Inc. Web. 18 March 2011.
About Reacquired Franchise Rights
A franchising arrangement is a way to expand a company's business without investing a lot of additional money. The franchisee gets the use of an existing business model, or franchise rights, as well as business support, and pays the franchisor a franchise fee in return.
Reacquired Rights
The franchisor could decide to buyback franchise rights from the franchisee for various reasons. For instance, the company may want to maintain consistency with its suppliers and wholesalers.
Accounting Treatment
Typically, the accounting treatment for reacquired franchise rights is to amortize, or write down, the value of the acquisition over a period of time. This is the approach that many restaurant industry franchisors have followed.
Aggressive Treatment
Some companies take a more aggressive approach in accounting for their reacquired franchise rights. Not writing down the value of these rights over time boosts the company's profits since the write-downs would reduce earnings.
*Corr S. Pondent has provided these clear and concise definitions, so I will post them upfront in order to draw a more linear flow from here on out.
2. Auditee client impairment analysis:
Citation: Katz, Jonathan G. Secretary Commissioner (16 February 2000). SEC Concept Release: International Accounting Standards. SECURITIES and EXCHANGE COMMISSION. 17 CFR PARTS 230 and 240 [RELEASE NOS. 33-7801, 34-42430; INTERNATIONAL SERIES NO. 1215] FILE NO. S7-04-00 [RIN: 3235-AH65] INTERNATIONAL ACCOUNTING STANDARDS
According to the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC):
B. High Quality Auditing Standards
The audit is an important element of the financial reporting structure because it subjects information in the financial statements to independent and objective scrutiny, increasing the reliability of those financial statements. Trustworthy and effective audits are essential to the efficient allocation of resources in a capital market environment, where investors are dependent on reliable information.
Quality audits begin with high quality auditing standards. Recent events in the United States have highlighted the importance of high quality auditing standards and, at the same time, have raised questions about the effectiveness of today's audits and the audit process. We are concerned about whether the training, expertise and resources employed in today's audits are adequate.
Audit requirements may not be sufficiently developed in some countries to provide the level of enhanced reliability that investors in U.S. capital markets expect. Nonetheless, audit firms should have a responsibility to adhere to the highest quality auditing practices -- on a world-wide basis -- to ensure that they are performing effective audits of global companies participating in the international capital markets. To that end, we believe all member or affiliated firms performing audit work on a global audit client should follow the same body of high quality auditing practices even if adherence to these higher practices is not required by local laws. Others have expressed similar concerns.
From an academically published article titled "Auditing Estimates: A Task Analysis and Propositions for Improving Auditor Performance" from Emily E. Griffith, Jacqueline S. Hammersley, and Kathryn Kudous, evident become the Auditee client impairment analysis:
Griffith, Emily E. (University of Georgia). Hammersley, Jacqueline S. (University of Georgia). Kadous, Kathryn (Emory University). "Auditing Estimates: A Task Analysis and Propositions for Improving Auditor Performance." (October 2010). Web. 18 March 2011.
Auditing Estimates: A Task Analysis and Propositions for Improving Auditor Performance
Market participants rely on accounting estimates, including fair values and impairments, to get a clear picture of a company's financial condition; however, estimates are difficult to audit. We analyze how auditors assess the reasonableness of accounting estimates with the goals of identifying what difficulties auditors experience in performing the task and how their performance can be improved. We interview 15 very experienced auditors from the set of firms that perform over 100 audits of public companies annually to assess how auditors perform the task and what difficulties they experience. We compare interview results with audit standards to evaluate how well auditors match required steps in the process. We perform a content analysis of PCAOB inspection reports to further shed light on difficulties auditors experience in auditing estimates. We find that both auditors and regulators report auditor difficulties with over-reliance on management assertions. That is, auditors sometimes fail to understand management's...
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wealthy Roman, a villa a retreat stresses public life? I asked role villa life a wealthy Roman a definite conclusion. Was a villa a retreat, a number roles. I appeal evidence drawn Roman literature, Horace Pliny, Younger. The Roman Villa Romans considered villas to be more than just locations where they could live on a daily basis, as these buildings served a series of other purposes. City life imposed a great
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