Role of Deviance in Societies
Deviance is behavior that is regarded as outside the bounds of a group or society (Deviance pp). Deviance is a behavior that some people in society find offensive and which excites, or would excite if discovered, and is usually met with disapproval, punishment, condemnation, or hostility (Deviance pp).
Deviance is not merely behavior, but involves a moral judgement (Deviance pp). Moreover, in essence, any act can be defined as deviant (Deviance pp). It is not possible to isolate certain acts and find them universally condemned by all societies as deviant acts, not even murder or incest, and even within a given society, behavior defined as deviant continually undergoes redefinition (Deviance pp). Furthermore, it is relative to time and place, thus, it is not possible to find a behavior that is absolutely condemned by all societies, because what is deviant in one society may not be in another, and even within one society, what is deviant today may not be considered deviant next year (Deviance pp). For example, in past centuries, people used to be burned at the stake for engaging in behavior that most people today regard as normal (Deviance pp).
Although murder is generally condemned by society, there are instances, such as self-defense and warfare, when it is accepted and expected (Deviance pp). Nelson Mandela was viewed by the ruling party in South Africa as a "dangerous political deviant," however, most of the world revered him as a leader of the freedom movement (Deviance pp). Pancho Villa was regarded by the wealthy and powerful as a deviant, yet, to the poor, bandits are often seen as rebels who reject the normal roles that poor people are expected play (Deviance pp). People such as Pancho Villa are able to display courage, cunning, and determination through their bandit activities (Deviance pp).
Moreover, for the most part, definitions of mental disorders occur the same way that other forms of deviance receive their definitions (Deviance pp).
Often the definition is vague and varies "depending on the culture, audience, and context," thus, behavior alone does not necessarily define a mental disorder (Deviance pp).
Class distinction is also involved in labeling deviance (Deviance pp). For example, a poor woman who steals a roast from the grocery story is called a common criminal, while a wealthy woman who steals a roast is regarded as a kleptomaniac, thus, her deviant status defines a form of mental illness (Deviance pp). Moreover, a woman who is sexually promiscuous is likely to be labeled as a nymphomaniac or whore, while a man who is sexually promiscuous is usually regarded as a macho stud or swinger (Deviance pp).
Then there is the distinction between what is considered professional behavior and what is considered domestic behavior (Deviance pp). For example, a man is punctual and obedient during the week while at the office, however, he raises hell on Saturday afternoon while watching football games (Deviance pp). Although appearing contradictory, both behaviors are normal in their respective contexts, however, if a man took his Saturday's behavior to the office, he would be labeled as strange and most likely be fired, while on the other hand, if he behaved in a passive manner at a football game, he would be considered a social drag and most likely his friends would not want to watch football with him anymore (Deviance pp).
Culture plays an important role in determining what is deviant behavior and what is not (Deviance pp). For example, in Western culture, abstinence for two years after marriage would not only be considered strange, but would be legal grounds for annulment, while in the Dani Tribe of New Guinea, it is considered normal and any sexual activity before two years is viewed as sexual deviance (Deviance pp).
The Western view of deviance has been strongly influenced by the religious explanations (Deviance pp). From roughly the 4th century to the 1700's, the most dominant explanations of deviance invoked visions of evil spirits, and the deviant was seen as morally deprived and usually possessed by the devil (Deviance pp). Thus, "alcoholism is seen as a weakness, mental illness is seen as irresponsibility, criminal and deviant acts result from giving in to our evil nature, sexual deviance is seen as moral depravity, and rebellion is seen as immaturity" (Deviance pp). In other words, the cause of deviance lies within the individual (Deviance pp). Solutions used to correct demonic possession seem bazaar today, such as drilling holes in the head to let out evil spirits, and exorcisms (Deviance pp).
During the second half of the 19th century, the positivist school argued that deviant behavior was beyond an individual's control and were explained by biological abnormalities (Deviance pp). Cesare Lombroso,...
Summary Deviance is a term used to refer to violation of social norms and used to understand human conduct. Deviance is expressed in various forms such as crime, mental disorders, suicide, and alcohol and drug addiction. the concept of deviant behavior is understood based on the sociological analysis of three dimensions of the social structure i.e. institutional, relational, and embodied structures. The modern society is characterized by numerous social changes due
Deviance Among Canadian Youths Deviation refers to the violation of the acceptable norms and values that have maintained within the cultural framework of a society. Norms are very important in every society since they allow the people of a given society to coexist with one another, and create the best environment for human living. The Canadian society like other societies is guided by certain norms and values, which are useful for
For example, the young woman knows it is wrong because her friends have spoken to her in the past about how awful stealing is. They have seen her steal before and told her that she is wrong. Among her friends, she is known as a thief. Deviance here has less to do with self-determination than the judgment of others. It is this external judgment of the audience that acts
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The definition of deviancy, its origin, as well as its negative connotations, seems to shifts from behavior to behavior. Deviance at times seems benign and morally neutral and simply to challenge normative categories of identity, in the case of homosexuals, atheists, and women who are single and/or working. All of these categories have existed as Foucaultian character 'types' in the form of modern media stereotypes, as portrayed as the media,
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