This is still a great idea for a dissertation. However, the prospectus still requires work and needs some revision. Please read through my comments and try to amend the prospectus. When you revise the prospectus, please leave in my comments so we can keep working with this version. Leave on Track changes.
I believe you have identified the gap in the literature because of your focus on stressful environments. However, you need to show how previous research on mentoring and training transfer have not focused on stressful environments. The way to do this is through citing previous research and then stating how your study fills the gap in the focus on stressful environments. You also need to state why this is important.
In terms of design, please use a quantitative study. I have commented on this throughout the prospectus. There are measures in research that you can use. You just need to locate them.
Industrial Training
Dissertation Prospectus
. IndustrialEmployee training is a form of training which entails both on-the-job and off-job training. This training helps employees to be updated on the current technological changes thus preventing them from being obsolete and outdated.Alack of industrial employee training can give rise to a situation that may negatively impact the performance and quality of services and goods offered (Cummings & Worley, 2014).Industrial Employee training has the potential toequip employees with the necessary skills for performing tasks. However, external factors such as the environment may impact employeesbehavior (Aquinis & Kraiger, 2009), and in order for a successful training program to be implemented, the condition of the workplace environment must be stable (Donovan & Benko, 2016). . These outliers may be learned through the observational process. Some conditions are necessary for an effective training program (Donovan & Benko, 2016). Attention is the most important factor to consider when training employees. However, there are factors such as personal perspective, sensory level, and noise that may reduce or increase an individuals attention level(Highland, Lee & Mills, 2015). Retention is also another factor to consider. The ability of a person to remember the information taught will determine the effectiveness of the training program.Themotivational level will also determine the willingness of the employees to engage in the training program and apply what they have been taught (Donovan & Benko, 2016).In terms of the relationship betweenemployee mentorship and supervisors, Eby, Butts, Hoffman and Sauer (2015) have shown thatmore research needs to be conducted to explain the causal direction and boundary conditions of this relationship. Eby et al. (2015) found that when co-worker support is evident in the workplace, it can function as a replacement for mentoring in terms of predicting organizational citizenship behaviorthe reason being that co-workers essentially act as mentors. Likewise,Dalton, Davis and Viator (2015) have shownthatexternalmentoring can help positively stimulate employeeattiduesattitudes; however, theydonot address the specific relationship between employee mentorship and supervisors.effect that mentoring can have in workplace environments where stress is a major situational factor for workers. If situational factors are critical to whether or not a training program will be successful, the factor of stress which is something that cannot always be eradicated from the workplace is a variable that needs more attention in terms of how it relates to mentorship. Kram and Hall (1989) indicated that mentoring may help individuals to cope with stressful workplace environments, but their study pertained particularly to environments where corporate trauma (i.e., corporate shake-ups, downsizing, etc.) was an issue. For an organization where no traumatizing event is apparent, stress can still be an issue, particularly if the demands of the job are high (Thomas & Lankau, 2009). Additionally,…
This is still a great idea for a dissertation. However, the prospectus still requires work and needs some revision. Please read through my comments and try to amend the prospectus. When you revise the prospectus, please leave in my comments so we can keep working with this version. Leave on Track changes.
I believe you have identified the gap in the literature because of your focus on stressful environments. However, you need to show how previous research on mentoring and training transfer have not focused on stressful environments. The way to do this is through citing previous research and then stating how your study fills the gap in the focus on stressful environments. You also need to state why this is important.
In terms of design, please use a quantitative study. I have commented on this throughout the prospectus. There are measures in research that you can use. You just need to locate them.
Industrial Training
Dissertation Prospectus
. IndustrialEmployee training is a form of training which entails both on-the-job and off-job training. This training helps employees to be updated on the current technological changes thus preventing them from being obsolete and outdated.Alack of industrial employee training can give rise to a situation that may negatively impact the performance and quality of services and goods offered (Cummings & Worley, 2014).Industrial Employee training has the potential toequip employees with the necessary skills for performing tasks. However, external factors such as the environment may impact employeesbehavior (Aquinis & Kraiger, 2009), and in order for a successful training program to be implemented, the condition of the workplace environment must be stable (Donovan & Benko, 2016). . These outliers may be learned through the observational process. Some conditions are necessary for an effective training program (Donovan & Benko, 2016). Attention is the most important…
This is still a great idea for a dissertation. However, the prospectus still requires work and needs some revision. Please read through my comments and try to amend the prospectus. When you revise the prospectus, please leave in my comments so we can keep working with this version. Leave on Track changes.
I believe you have identified the gap in the literature because of your focus on stressful environments. However, you need to show how previous research on mentoring and training transfer have not focused on stressful environments. The way to do this is through citing previous research and then stating how your study fills the gap in the focus on stressful environments. You lso need to state why this is important.
In terms of design, please use a quantitative study. I have commented on this throughout the prospectus. There are measures in research that you can use. You just need to locate them.
Industrial Training
Dissertation Prospectus
. IndustrialEmployee training is a form of training which entails both on-the-job and off-job training. This training helps employees to be updated on the current technological changes thus preventing them from being obsolete and outdated.Alack of industrial employee training can give rise to a situation that may negatively impact the performance and quality of services and goods offered (Cummings & Worley, 2014).Industrial Employee training has the potential toequip employees with the necessary skills for performing tasks. However, external factors such as the environment may impact employeesbehavior (Aquinis & Kraiger, 2009), and in order for a successful training program to be implemented, the condition of the workplace environment must be stable (Donovan & Benko, 2016). . These outliers may be learned through the observational process. Some conditions are necessary for an effective training program (Donovan & Benko, 2016). Attention is the most important factor to consider when training employees. However, there are factors such as personal perspective, sensory level, and noise that may reduce or increase an individuals attention level(Highland, Lee & Mills, 2015). Retention is also another factor to consider. The ability of a person to remember the information taught will determine the effectiveness of the training program.Themotivational level will also determine the willingness of the employees to engage in the training program and apply what they have been taught (Donovan & Benko, 2016).In terms of the relationship betweenemployee mentorship and supervisors, Eby, Butts, Hoffman and Sauer (2015) have shown thatmore research needs to be conducted to explain the causal direction and boundary conditions of this relationship. Eby et al. (2015) found that when co-worker support is evident in the workplace, it can function as a replacement for mentoring in terms of predicting organizational citizenship behaviorthe reason being that co-workers essentially act as mentors. Likewise,Dalton, Davis and Viator (2015) have shownthatexternalmentoring can help positively stimulate employeeattiduesattitudes; however, theydonot address the specific relationship between employee mentorship and supervisors.effect that mentoring can have in workplace environments where stress is a major situational factor for workers. If situational factors are critical to whether or not a training program will be successful, the factor of stress which is something that cannot always be eradicated from the workplace is a variabl....... that mentoring may help individuals to cope with stressful workplace environments, but their study pertained particularly to environments where corporate trauma (i.e., corporate shake-ups, downsizing, etc.) was an issue. For an organization where no traumatizing event is apparent, stress can still be an issue, particularly if the demands of the job are high (Thomas & Lankau, 2009). Additionally, Kim, Im and Hwang (2015) have shown that mentoring can help to reduce stress in some ways among workers in the hotel industry (i.e., by boosting job satisfaction and commitment), but that it does not always eliminate stress in other ways (i.e., stress related to role conflict, role ambiguity and turnover intention). A gap still exists with respect to understanding the nature of this relationshiphow mentoring can be used to reduce the effect of workplace stress on employees. To date, there is little research that has focused on how mentoring can enable effective learning for employees in a stressful workplace environment.As OBrien and Beehr (2016) show, mentoringmay be able to help workers cope with stressors in the workplace, but more study is required in order to understand the full effect of mentorship in stressful workplace environments as opposed to calmworkplaceenvironments(Lomas, Medina, Ivtzan et al., 2017). This study aimstonarrow this gap. (Lapointe& Vandenberghe, 2017).Among the primary aims of the study will be to find out the relationship between employee mentorship and the supervisors. The research will also focus on finding out the new mentorship strategies to employ to come up with the best employee mentorship in organizations. When a sharp look is taken into how the world is changing, several technologies have come into place. The knowledge that employees possess needs to be improved in order to be able to deal with the new environment. Every time there is a new change in the business environment, the operational methods are also likely to change. To ensure continuity in quality production of goods and services, there is need to add to the existing research so that learners, managers, and other concerned entrepreneurs will find the best strategies to implement in social learning. Comment by Annette Towler: Good. This section is better in describing how motivation to learn is related to transfer. Comment by Annette Towler: Good job in including Ebys research. However you need to be precise. State what exactly they have found and shown. For emaple, have they shown that mentoring is important for transfer? Comment by Annette Towler: HI Ani. More work is needed on identifying the gap. It needs to be more precise. First, consider what has been shown. Then, discuss what has not been shown and why it is important to focus on this gap. It is not clear to me what is the research question based on the relationship between employee mentorship and supervisors. It needs to be more precise
Background of the Problem.
Organizationalresearch reveals that social learning has both positive and negative influential effects on employees(Derks, Duin, Tims & Bakker, 2015). Many organizations are coined withinembrace the notion that in order for them to be competitive they have to have a highly adaptive human resource which will meet the rapidly changing business world(Jackson, Schuler & Jiang, 2014). For them to achieve this, vision mentoringTo be competitive, mentoring has to be provided to the employees(Jyoti & Sharma, 2015). The success of the firm is directly related to the effectiveness of the employees and managers to carry out their duties more efficiently. Employees are able to remain productive if they are equally trained in order to acquire the necessary knowledge and expertise to stay competitive. When organizations provide employee mentorship training programs, this can result in success for both the organization and employees(Andre, 2014).To improve theproductivity of employees and increases the efficiency of the organization, supervisor-employee mentorship programs must be alignedlined with the organizational goals and objectives. Comment by Annette Towler: This phrase needs reworking.
As a gap exists with respect to understanding how mentoring can reduce the effect of workplace stress on empoyees, this study aims to identify the relationship between mentoring, stress, motivation and management in the Digital Age. The current state of literature shows that there is a lack of research that has focused on how mentoring can enable effective learning for employees in a stressful workplace environment (OBrien & Beehr, 2016). More research is needed to understand the full effect of mentorship in stressful workplace environments (Lomas, Medina, Ivtzan et al., 2017). Likewise, considering how the world has changed during the Digital Age, it is important to also consider how remote management factors into the relationship between mentorship, stress reduction of new employees and their motivation to learn by having their needs met during the training process. Comment by Annette Towler: Please describe the theory and use relevant citations.Annette TowlerAni. You need to use the new dissertation prospectus template. In order to move forward myself and the methodologist need to give rubric scores and the new template contains the tables.
Two theories that are relevant to this issue are social learning theory and motivation theory. Motivation theory was developed by Maslow (1943) who applied a hierarchy of needs model to his theory of human motivation. Maslow (1943) showed that individuals in order to become self-determining had to have their basic needs met firstneeds that included such factors as security, social relationships, esteem and so on. This theory is relevant because it suggests that managers should be attentive to the needs of new workers in order to help them integrate more fully and cope with the occupational stressors that are part of the workplace environment (Lazaroiu, 2015).
SThe social learning theory was developed by Bandura (1977) and explained that behavior is learned from observation of ones environment. It is relevant to this study because it provides an approach to understanding how mentorship can play a role in assisting new workers looking for an example of how they can cope with stressors. It is vital in explaining how employees learn work attitudes and the behaviors they possess. TNevertheless, the theory will help in understanding the best implementations that leaders can come up with to increase yields. Social learning can also be seen as the most effective tool that will be used to enable effective social learning behaviors in the workplace environment. If social learning practices can be enhanced further, employees have the potential of improving the organizational effectiveness. Over time, the business environment is changing. This calls for more research to cover up the additional factors which influence workplace learning.
Comment by Annette Towler: Hi Ani. I think this is your gap! You need to incorporate this into the first section of your prospectus.
To date, there is little research that has focused on how mentoring can enable effective learning for employees in a stressful workplace environment.As OBrien an
Aguinis, H., &Kraiger, K. (2009). Benefits of Training and Development for Individuals and Teams, Organizations and Society: The Business School of Colorado. The Annual Review of Psychology, 60 (3), 451-477.
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Appendix AThe 10 Strategic PointsTopic—Industrial TrainingLiterature review—Employees are always seeking for mentors who can guide them in doing better in the workplace. These mentors act as role models who display many of the behaviors that employees wish to emulate. Social learning is a concept that directly relates to employee training which aims at influencing behavior in a more positive way. In this case, the aim of this research proposal is to assess the relationship between mentorship and employee training.
Problem Statement—Although there is an existing evidence suggesting a positive correlation between employee mentoring program and training transfer, it is not known to what extent mentoring from supervisors is positively related to employee training transfer within any stressful work environment.
Sample and location— Data will be collected from randomly selected HR managers and employees. The data will be collected from 30 respondents, 10 of whom will be HR managers and the other 20 will be employees.
Research questionsR1: To what extent is mentoring from supervisors related to skill transfer to employees within a stressful work environment?R2: What are the new ways of mentoring employees in stressful workplaces?R3: Do mentoring employees provide a significant improvement to the attainmentof organizational goals and objectives?Phenomenon: Mentorship from supervisors is associated with the transfer of skills to employees in the work environment.
Methodology and design— Given the descriptive nature of the study, a qualitative study will be utilized in this study to establish the extent to which mentorship by supervisors impacts employee’s skill and productivity. This study will include surveying a sample population where participants will answer a series of questions and inferences will be drawn from the responses.
Purpose Statement— The purpose of this qualitative correlational study is to evaluate the extent to which mentoring programs from a supervisor is related to the employee skill transfer in the workplace.
Data collection— Data will be collected from HR managers and an identified group of employees. The group of employees selected for the study will be those who are or are not new to the organization. Data will also be collected from secondary data sources especially managerial reports on various mentorship programs in place and how they have been effective in boosting employee’s skills and productivity.
Data analysis—A content analysis approach will be utilized in analyzing the qualitative data collected from the data collection exercise. This data will analyze any written, verbal, or visual data collected from the exercise.
Appendix BVariables/Groups, Phenomena, and Data AnalysisTable 2Qualitative StudiesResearch Questions: State the Research Questions that will be used to collect data to understand the Phenomenon being studiedPhenomenon:Describe the overall phenomenon being studied by the research questionsSources of Data:Identify the specific approach (e.g., interview, observation, artifacts, documents, database, etc.) to be used to collect the data to answer each Research QuestionAnalysis Plan: Describe the specific approach that will be used to (1) summarize the data and (2) analyze the data.
1. To what extent is mentoring from supervisors related to skill transfer to employees within a stressful work environment?2. Do mentoring employees provide a significant improvement to the attainmentOf organizational goals and objectives?1. What are the new ways of mentoring employees in stressful workplaces?1. Mentorship from supervisors is associated with transfer of skills to employees in the work environmentWith the changing business environment, the way the transfer of skills is done has changed in the stressful work environment1. Interviews2. QuestionnairesInterviewquestionnaireContent analysis approachContent analysis approachProspectus Template v6.2.14.14
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