$7.9 billion "to create and save jobs" (National Telecommunications and Information Administration 2012). This does show that the Democratically led government is not completely ignoring the issue of unemployment. Moreover, the administration has focused on producing programs that help secure housing assistance for millions of Americans. The Democratic dominated government has been able to create some strategies trying to address the housing crisis, despite the handicap of being limited by those Republicans voting against potential solutions simply because they originated in a Democratic camp. The Making Home Affordable Program "is a critical part of the Obama Administration's broad strategy to help homeowners avoid foreclosure, stabilize the country's housing market, and improve the nation's economy" (Departments of the Treasury & Housing & Urban Development 2012). Efforts under the program aim to lower homeowner payments and get to more stable loan rates those current homeowners can deal with. The legislation is also focusing on providing some financial relief to homeowners who have lost their jobs so that they do not loose their homes while in the process of securing another position elsewhere (Departments of the Treasury & Housing & Urban Development 2012). So, it is apparent that the Democrats are trying to address the more serious issues faced by the American public today.
Yet, it is the Republican Party has often stood in the way of pursuing progress. Progress has been slow and frustrating, often because of miscommunication and parties not willing to work with one another. Even according to Brock et al., "this will be the third year in a row that the Senate has not passed a congressional budget...
2012). This is only creating serious issues that the rest of the American public then have to deal with on a daily basis. Another article shows that "Congress put off its duties until the eleventh hour in favor of partisan squabbling and stubborn political games" (Dingell 2011). This conflict is keeping the political system stuck, and therefore unable to make real effective changes.
There needs to be a
common ground where both parties can agree. It is true, as Brock, Danforth, Lott, and Nickels argue in their article, we do need to spend time "putting our values to work for a better, safer, stronger America," after all "nothing is more important today" (Brock et al. 2012). This can only be attained through a more non-combative prove much more efficient in solving complicated issues. There is a need for a common ground between the two parties, so that each can work together and create the most successful resolutions to modern economic and
political issues. Bipartisan conflicts are essentially clogging the American political system Whether Democratic or Republican, now is the time for action and the bipartisanship seen in the Senate and House is only making the situation worse for the average American. Bipartisanship is weakening the political strength and abilities of the American people and lessoning the
faith the American people have in their government officials (Dingell 2011). After all, "the American people are fed up with finger-pointing, blame games and infighting by all of us in Washington" (Dingell 2011). It is important to work together towards a common goal.
Brock, William; Danforth, Jack; Lott, Trent; & Nickles, Don. "GOP Ideals Unite, Not Divide." Charlotte Observer. 25 Mar 2012. Web. http://www.charlotteobserver.com/2012/03/25/3124309/gop-ideals-unite-not-divide.html
Departments of the Treasury & Housing & Urban Development. "Explore Programs. Making Home Affordable. 2012. Web. http://www.makinghomeaffordable.gov/programs/Pages/default.aspx
Dingell, John D. "Congress Needs a Fresh, Bipartisan Start." Washington Post. 2011. Web. http://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/congress-needs-a-fresh-bipartisan-start/2011/09/08/gIQA4F8JDK_story.html
National Telecommunications and Information Administration. "American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009." NTIA. 2012. Web. http://www.ntia.doc.gov/page/2011/american-recovery-and-reinvestment-act-2009